Random Jabber Jibber thread

well my previous post is explanation, i did join long long time ago, never posted and actually left forum life forever, until now.
I read back in order every post, and no, you and others brought this on to yourselves. Sry if you feelo the opposite. I have no wish for this to continue.

--and now the you are a bitch msgs will come, due to me speaking like this.
it's immature.

and yes, i was immature here, i am not a little kid.
I read back in order every post, and no, you and others brought this on to yourselves. Sry if you feelo the opposite. I have no wish for this to continue.

--and now the you are a bitch msgs will come, due to me speaking like this.
it's immature.

and yes, i was immature here, i am not a little kid.

I am certain that the story you tell will be more plausible after you editate upon your posts.
Is that how it works, I hadn't noticed. There are so few new members, or even "new" old members.

Appears to me, the trial by fire (for any individual) is primarily for the pleasure of a handfull of aggressive members.

It would be interesting to be able to somehow tally or understand, the unheard voices, the ones that don't chime in or provide 'likes'. And the ones that leave. I believe a lot of people read the attacks and simply exit the site. It's just a theory {I'm not looking to argue with anyone}. Some are repelled by aggression and others thrive on it. I'm not sure how this forum became so gritty, or why. I think it's more about the phyche of a few. And I do so enjoy how the forum isn't heavily moderated, but the angst and attitude I must skim past to stay.
If you go back and read this you'll notice I also held out an olive branch, as did several of us.

The reason I'm on edge and gritty is because of socks. So tell me on the times we hold out an olive branch and it gets shoved down our throats what are we supposed to do?
I have learned my lesson; to never fuckin post in this area of the site again, cuz it's filled with shit.
If msgs to me stop, it will end. but lots of you seem to enjoy this shit talk.