Random High Thoughts (some people may be offended)


Well-Known Member
the Africa thing i have to say no on because its the ppl in power theres over $1 trillion coming out of Africa and the ppl dont get any of it same with the food %80 of the food fish mostly is shiped right out and the scraps and bones are left look at were the worlds food is grown funny how in them places there is water shortages the 3ed world gets the shit that the rest of the world dont want watch some bbc shows on food. another thing i found was cool was national geographic study on the human Genome, neanderthals and man maby thats why Africa is the why it is just found that cool as that i took part in it. africa was strong tell ppl destroyed its ppl what happens to a ppl when you take the teachers and leaders look at there history it was amazing what was it like 1-2 3eds of the population was taken you dont think that would jack shit up for ppl