Ramblings of an old fucker...


Well-Known Member
And I address this to the "youngin's" primarily...everyone else for that matter. Not only do I like it here, but in the short time I've been here, you all give me hope. I've found a group of people that believe in freedom and liberty. I've been a member of many boards over the years and have felt that I could never find a "home". I haven't felt this comfortable in many years and I thank you.

The reason I primarily address this to the young kids is this...

I'm 48 years old and I've been through a lot. I want you to know that you kids will sometime be my age and will be "The People". Please don't become apathetic and/or complacent regarding your nation. Apathy and complacency has led us to this point. We've allowed ourselves to be bound by chains by letting our elected officials exercise carte blanch to special interests. Become involved in government. If you're 18 or older, please register to vote. And when you do vote, check the candidates' voting record. Don't vote along party lines, but scrutinize the fucker(s) voting record. Vote for freedom and liberty. This nation and our people need this now more than ever. Exercise your right as a citizen and don't listen to the media machine that attempts to dictate who you should vote for.

Give us older fuckers something to smile about. Take your nation back. Read your Constitution. Many young men and women died in support of that most sacred of documents that made this nation great. There are those currently in power that have attempted (and succeeded in some respects) to piss on that document. Don't stand for it. Do something about it.

A lot of what I read here gives me hope. I like it here. Thanks for listening. :)
Glad to hear ya feel at home here, I found this one of the better forums on the net myself.

Part of your duties as a citizen is to research and spend a little time focusing on your government, least thats what I see the founding fathers have meant by everything they did.

Its a bit of a slow trip to what the gov becoming, it started because no one payed attention and it can stop if people did. One thing I do think is my generation lacks a common cause because we aren't exactly at risk from anything that seems "real" just the old "Big brother" hear-say which is happening slowly but surely because people aren't paying attention.
One thing I do think is my generation lacks a common cause because we aren't exactly at risk from anything that seems "real" just the old "Big brother" hear-say which is happening slowly but surely because people aren't paying attention.
It is insidious,but it's happening. I work for a telco (phone company/ISP) and we now have equipment in place that allows the Federal Government to perform surveillance upon citizens....WITHOUT OUR KNOWLEDGE. We're a small telco...Just think what is in place at the larger telco's such as AT&T? That's just one small example. This was forced upon us by the Feds under the guise of CALEA.

People should not fear their government, Government should fear the people.
I'm seriously thinking about canceling California plans and moving to Alaska... getting the hell away from everyone and living off the grid. I just looked and from 5-7 acres of land can be bought for under $7000! I can build my own cabin with a help of some of my Alaskan friends I've known over the years... and about 10-15k for all the hydro, wind, and solar equipment... I'm seriously thinking it. No landline either! Just my cell and nothing to be said over that either.
yup it sucks to many americans want to be told what to do. hence the people their should be a law? i hate that shit.
Good message Dave, and I agree. Many of the reasons you listed are reasons I'm working to become a lawyer.