RainForest 36/Aeroponic System


Active Member
Everytime I took off one plant to put the nutrients or change the water I could see the light penetrating through the unit all around, but then again I am using a 1000 watt HPS. Roots getting light = not good. When I painted the whole unit black it fixed the problem. Just another flaw this system has. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Everytime I took off one plant to put the nutrients or change the water I could see the light penetrating through the unit all around, but then again I am using a 1000 watt HPS. Roots getting light = not good. When I painted the whole unit black it fixed the problem. Just another flaw this system has. :blsmoke:
i also use a 1000w HID (a dual spectrum) and there is no light penetrating the unit. it does have flaws but light leaks isn't one of them - provided you cover the netpots (but most systems have this problem).


Active Member
I know its been a few weeks but I don't have a cam and what not. But here are a few pics of my plants that are about 1 month old.

I am not sure if its Nut burn or not enough Nut. Any info would really help.

Right now I am using FloraGro only and its 2-1-6 and I only add it when I change the water and thats about every week now because they drink up all the water or it Vaporized out.


That is a link to my Gallery where you can view the pics bigger if you want.

That last pic is a set up of what I got. Right now its in one of my bathrooms in my Apt because I just moved in. I have lights on each side to help some of the smaller ones get light because one of my plants wont stop growing. I also have two new plants in there I am about to kill one of them but keep the other.

Any info would help also I don't have a PH meter I am just reading the label on the back of the Floragro and Diamond Nectar to see how much Nut I should add per Gallon of water.



Well-Known Member
they look nute burnt to me. some folks manage but i would never try to grow hydro without a good pH and PPM meter.

So i'd drain the reservoir and just run some plan water (the right pH) or if i added nutrients it would very lightly - like 1/8th strength or something until new growth started looking healthy.

you have to tie them down to keep them from growing up. sativas seem to never stop growing. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Other then some PH burn how does my plants look? Do you need any more pics or anything like that?
they look like they're growing just fine - maybe more light - but they look OK - other than nutrient problems.

Keep in mind that nutrient issues can be caused by improper pH (too high or too low) not just too much nutrient.


Active Member
I just got the 1000w HPS light. My plants look like they are loving the new light because they are just going like crazy. Here are some new pics tell me what you think.

As you can see I still use my CFL lights :) they might not even help but they do get the lower part of the plant :)

P.S. Also click my Gallery link if you want to see the pics bigger.



Active Member
Hey whats up fantasy I never got to post pics of my plants, everything turned out to be fine, but could had been better, 1 of my plants ended outgrowing the rest and pretty much killed the smaller plants, or maybe root rot did it? I don't know but it might have also got root boud, maybe I let them veg to much? They grew very fast, anyhow I ended up with one plant but I was not dissapointed! I ended up with a little over 6 OZ of sour diesel on one plant! man I guess I didn't do so bad for my first water grow ever. Ready to go on a second one but this time I'm looking for a different type of aero setup, I'll let you guys know how that one turns out. By the way I highly recommend a PH PEN it really helped me out. The ph became inbalanced many time maybe thats whats going on with yours? one thing I didn't use was the ppm meter but maybe next time I will. I think the ph is more critical when following a grow chart. Anyway good luck!


Active Member
I am not sure about whats going to happen to my plants I have been letting them grow on clf lights for about 1 1/2 months. I just put them into the next stage with my new light. I am waiting to see what sex they are. Also one of my plants out grew the other plants also, do you think my other ones are going to die?


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up fantasy I never got to post pics of my plants, everything turned out to be fine, but could had been better, 1 of my plants ended outgrowing the rest and pretty much killed the smaller plants, or maybe root rot did it? I don't know but it might have also got root boud, maybe I let them veg to much? They grew very fast, anyhow I ended up with one plant but I was not dissapointed! I ended up with a little over 6 OZ of sour diesel on one plant! man I guess I didn't do so bad for my first water grow ever. Ready to go on a second one but this time I'm looking for a different type of aero setup, I'll let you guys know how that one turns out. By the way I highly recommend a PH PEN it really helped me out. The ph became inbalanced many time maybe thats whats going on with yours? one thing I didn't use was the ppm meter but maybe next time I will. I think the ph is more critical when following a grow chart. Anyway good luck!
Wow - 6 oz from a single indoor plant - very impressive. do you have a grow journal or pics by chance?


Well-Known Member
I am not sure about whats going to happen to my plants I have been letting them grow on clf lights for about 1 1/2 months. I just put them into the next stage with my new light. I am waiting to see what sex they are. Also one of my plants out grew the other plants also, do you think my other ones are going to die?
they are very large now and will double in size (at least) when you switch to 12/12. Until you switch to 12/12 you will never know which sex they are. When you say "put them into the next stage" do you mean switching to 12/12?
Make sure no light hits them during the dark period <- this is IMPORTANT!

A large plant should not "kill" the others. It will just allow less light through so you either tie it back (recommended anytime) or prune it (not recommended after switching to 12/12).

Looks like they are loving the HPS (but we knew they would).


Active Member
So my first grow is over..... Out of 6 of my plants only 1 was female :( but its a beast for a first time I think. Here our some pics before I cut it and weight it out.

Sorry for such big shots. Tell me what you think.

Thanks for all your tips, this site helped me out a lot.
i 2 have rainforst 36 and right now i got my cracked seeds in rockwool so when go to put in the hydroton and 3 inch coco liner will i have a problem or would it be just fine


Active Member
Yeah I have not been on the internet for a few thats why I have not been posting. I just got done with my first grow and only got 1 female out of the lot. From my experience that system is only good for 3 plants max I would say. The system is just to small to hold more then 3 full size plants. I have a new grow right now 10 plants all clones from 1 plant. I will post pics soon and show my babies off. Keep checking for my posts. Also ask any questions you want. I was a first time grower with that system and now I am pretty good at it.
so how much did u yeild?u started with bag seed?would u recommend to change 2 a bigger system once im ready 2 flower?is this system good to just keep mothers? sorry for all the questions i just want my grow to go good and look like those plants. I got six white widow growing in the machine and im hoping they are all female but who knows..i was thinking a of making a diy ebb n flow system or 5 gallon dwc those seem the easiest to make and are good for space