RainForest 36/Aeroponic System


Active Member
Off the one female that I did get I got a little more then 4oz. I say the system cant hold no more then 3 plants. If you get more I would get a bigger bucket for the roots. It also just depends on how long you veg then for. I will be taking pics of my new grow tomorrow and I will be posting them. I have about 13 female plants right now. Also they are seeds that I got from a friend so I don't know what they are. But growing my second time around things were much easier because I knew what I was looking for. I also just love growing, I never looked at plants like I do now. Opened my eyes up to a new thing that I really enjoy doing. Not just growing the tree but gardening in general is pretty fun because you have to show dedication and that's what it really comes down to when growing. If you put the time in you will get the reward with some dank as smoke in the end.