Racist Bastards.


Well-Known Member
This thread was made when I was 11 years old, man that gives me nostalgia.
...and still the coloreds feel that they are entitled to equal rights ...tho half may never taste pork or even shower daily.. many are now dead cause they may eat monkey meat, or dead by white yankee cops, saving cell space for drug users many with no cannabis red cards ....tough for them coloreds no matter how you try to fraize it


Well-Known Member
...and still the coloreds feel that they are entitled to equal rights ...tho half may never taste pork or even shower daily.. many are now dead cause they may eat monkey meat, or dead by white yankee cops, saving cell space for drug users many with no cannabis red cards ....tough for them coloreds no matter how you try to fraize it
Now that isn't true in the u.s. besides living in the ghetto more than half of us in U.S.A. live pretty decent lives, and did you say may never eat pork, or take showers everyday, we don't run around stinking I take 2 showers a day sometimes 3 and pork we eat it just like every other American not everyday of course, that'll kill ya, it sounded kind of offensive when you said half don't have this, half don't do this, half can't do that. My life is just fine except for the dirty looks I get from old people sometimes, or the lady that's walking down the street on the same sidewalk as me quickly crosses over to the other side as soon as she catches a glimpse of me, Me and all the other blacks and mexicans, I see and know live happy lives, are you racist @vostok ?


Well-Known Member
Now that isn't true in the u.s. besides living in the ghetto more than half of us in U.S.A. live pretty decent lives, and did you say may never eat pork, or take showers everyday, we don't run around stinking I take 2 showers a day sometimes 3 and pork we eat it just like every other American not everyday of course, that'll kill ya, it sounded kind of offensive when you said half don't have this, half don't do this, half can't do that. My life is just fine except for the dirty looks I get from old people sometimes, or the lady that's walking down the street on the same sidewalk as me quickly crosses over to the other side as soon as she catches a glimpse of me, Me and all the other blacks and mexicans, I see and know live happy lives, are you racist @vostok ?

no he's a Russian they aren't racist just ballsy

i mean you have to be to wear that hideous striped tank top

upload_2015-4-5_12-15-19.jpeg thats what everyone in Russia looks like btw

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
...and still the coloreds feel that they are entitled to equal rights ...tho half may never taste pork or even shower daily.. many are now dead cause they may eat monkey meat, or dead by white yankee cops, saving cell space for drug users many with no cannabis red cards ....tough for them coloreds no matter how you try to fraize it
this was written talk to text, from his anal gland to his computer. by the way vostok is a minority.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if I'm wrong but please point out my mis print ...? just cause you were born with non white skin don't make you a member of the white peoples tribe, many of the young of our tribe have been trained even brain washed from a young age to not see the color difference but hey they do see them dead bodies in the street, but really who cares theres always more in the morning.. now matter how hard you cops try ...dead blacks is the norm in the capitalists west ...good luck ...stay alive
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Well-Known Member
...and still the coloreds feel that they are entitled to equal rights ...tho half may never taste pork or even shower daily.. many are now dead cause they may eat monkey meat, or dead by white yankee cops, saving cell space for drug users many with no cannabis red cards ....tough for them coloreds no matter how you try to fraize it
LOL, Monkey meat? That was Africa they ate Ebola infected monkeys and pork is some of the cheapest meat after chicken never heard of monkey meat in the states though..... Also not that many get killed by cops.


Well-Known Member
If you are a racist bastard and you love growing weed support your neo nazi brother at Racistman seeds AKA Reeferman AKA Charles Scott.....................

:bigjoint: Lol, Reeferman is a douche bag, but would make a great advertizement if marketing to skinhead racists. :lol:


Well-Known Member
If you are a racist bastard and you love growing weed support your neo nazi brother at Racistman seeds AKA Reeferman AKA Charles Scott.....................

:bigjoint: Lol, Reeferman is a douche bag, but would make a great advertizement if marketing to skinhead racists. :lol:
I'd toke with him....then id poke him in his stomach


Well-Known Member
trained to not see the color difference? lol. No.

We just figure out for ourselves that it's better to choose not to use "color difference" as though it were a valid judgment criteria, except in purely aesthetic situations.

Most people do realize: regardless of someone's appearance, they could indeed be intelligent, compassionate, helpful, and valuable to a high number of people. Look at Stephen Hawking, ffs. Yeah, he's "white," but so what? He's technically not even close to the smartest person alive. He's actually on MY level. He just spends far more of his energy on mental pursuits, because physical pursuits aren't really an option for him. That the primary cause of people perceiving him as so much 'more' intelligent than 'normal' people: he spends almost 100% of his conscious existence, practicing Brain. He started with gifted potential, and then embraced and developed it deliberately, instead of going through life believing the people who say things like "you think too much!" Most people "act too much."

Meanwhile, Neil deGrasse Tyson, is a 'mixed race' human with incredibly potent intellect, and is also just a good dude in general. His aesthetics are, IMO, entirely irrelevant. I don't care which region of the planet his parents came from. Why should i? Why should anyone?

It's not that we "don't see" that skin color varies; it's that we think that's a stupid excuse to use to disparage anyone. Maybe it's just that racists are afraid of difference? Maybe it's not even 'race' that is the real issue. In fact, i don't think 'race' really IS a real issue. Seems contrived and manufactured, to me. Entirely unnecessary and not useful or good.

It would be the same as if a girl i didn't find aesthetically appealing, was nice to me anyway. I'd be nice back. Why do i need to care whether she's 'good-looking-enough', if our interactions consist of verbal language? I don't. Plus, since i'm not 'that way', i'd prefer a compatible personality over a gorgeous wicked cunt who risks my health through deception for stupid reasons. No matter what 'color' any of them happen to be.


Well-Known Member
StiII say us humans wipe out the Neanderthals cause they were so unIike us, we kiII them untiII they were gone...this racism bit might have been going on forever


Well-Known Member
StiII say us humans wipe out the Neanderthals cause they were so unIike us, we kiII them untiII they were gone...this racism bit might have been going on forever
Neanderthal was not a race; it was a different species of bipedal hominid. So, essentially, according to this barbarous praxis, hypothetically, homo sapiens exterminated another species, similar to the artificial extinction of the Tasmanian tiger; which reminds me, white people's exclusive hand in making the entire Tasmanian ethnic group go extinct is blatantly racist.


Well-Known Member
Neanderthal was not a race; it was a different species of bipedal hominid. So, essentially, according to this barbarous praxis, hypothetically, homo sapiens exterminated another species, similar to the artificial extinction of the Tasmanian tiger; which reminds me, white people's exclusive hand in making the entire Tasmanian ethnic group go extinct is blatantly racist.
We still bred with neanderthals so they ain't much different a bit like a European to black or Asian we look a lot different but can still breed.


Well-Known Member
We still bred with neanderthals so they ain't much different a bit like a European to black or Asian we look a lot different but can still breed.
If homo sapiens bred with Neanderthals, then their genealogy should still be present in humans of this current era. I guess the prominence of their physically distinctive features would be the differentiating factor, but that's all subjective, which further substantiates the fact that race is an artificial construct.