Racist Bastards.


Well-Known Member
If homo sapiens bred with Neanderthals, then their genealogy should still be present in humans of this current era. I guess the prominence of their physically distinctive features would be the differentiating factor, but that's all subjective, which further substantiates the fact that race is an artificial construct.
We have their DNA mostly Europeans though just a bit watered down.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. Especially considering the fact that Africans' hereditary genes are more similar to that of Europeans' than those of their immediate tribal neighbors.


Well-Known Member
Blue eyed people are smarter than brown eyed. I hate that rap music too :bigjoint:
Yea I hate Irish polka too. Terrible.

Brown eyed people pioneered the globally popular music of today: Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Ike Turner, Jimi Hendrix, et al. Their blue eyed counterparts ie Elvis Presley, even admitted to 'emulating' the music of brown eyed people to capitalize from it because he knew they couldn't because of the negative social connotation of the color of their eyes.

Most of my blue-eyed friends are pretty fuckin retarded for the record. Ppl are stupid in general. Naive, gullible, docile automatons.