Racism in Home Values

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
It was a Republican that ended slavery in America. The real racists have always been liberals whose leaders have done nothing for people of color. They pander for votes and lie up to the Hilz.
I know and I've been making the cry bully's aware of factual history,been watering my lawn with all the white man tears the liberal crew been crying:lol:

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
I dont agree with black lives matter. The country has been going downhill since the 60's. Its not a race thing its a we have a HUGE generation of asshats raised by bleeding heart liberals who have 1. no respect for older adults
@. no respect for one another.....2. A complete aloofness to becoming productive citizens. 3. Nowadays kids would rather sit on their asses and play First person shooters than go throw a football. 3. Maybe 1 out of every 8 folks who own a gun got proper safety training as a kid, this can lead to bad scenarios inho. 4. We as a society have shown folks that you can blindly follow a movement so you feel like your part of something.
I have seen first hand folks from other states come here and they are EXTREMELY racist, I literally watched two african american folks call a somali immigrant "hey purple", im like wtf does that mean? Jesus crist that nigger is so black they look purple" they said, i was like oh wow ok. So africans that come here are somehow less of an individual then the preexisting africans? Kinda fucked because its rampant here. So i ask you which black lives matter huh? Why not native american lives matter? You see 30 % of there folks in professional athletics/sports making millions of dollars and spending it on anything? I just think as a nation its wrong to focus entirely on one race. Secondly in this day of ANYONE can be carrying a gun, expect lots and lots more shootings. Commen sense and gun ownership are def not mutually exclusive.
Shut up whitey ! its all your fault,all of it,for century's :lol:

only alpha blacks & beta whites who've gone belly up can understand what's going on :lol:

notice how the laughing progressive liberals ain't laughing no mo,now their scared as hell & attacking their own:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'll sell them cheese and crackers.

No, wait. They already have plenty of both.
Wife just forced me to a wine and cheese tasting party. Ended up buying a wheel of Manchego (aged Viejo ) and a block of Gouda ( aged young mature ). Looking for the perfect beer to pair with along with a smoked brisket and smoked salmon.


Well-Known Member
Your porn preference?

"The perfect beer"? Why, Natty Ice, of course! I enjoy it's effervescence and mild piss-like aftertaste, and it's less filling, too!
aged young mature Gouda is the best taste for sandwich. I can still age it more and smoke it if I so decide.

Natural Ice :spew:You are welcome to the spread, but leave your beer at the door. I'm thinking more of a Euro Pale Lager style beer. Think Bavaria


Well-Known Member
I just got home with a growler each of a chocolate stout and a kolsch, both brewed at a new brewpub not two blocks from my doorstep.

This being Ft Collins, they're of course excellent- no bad beer makes it out the brew room door, no one would stand for it, least of all the brewers themselves.


Well-Known Member
aged young mature Gouda is the best taste for sandwich. I can still age it more and smoke it if I so decide.

Natural Ice :spew:You are welcome to the spread, but leave your beer at the door. I'm thinking more of a Euro Pale Lager style beer. Think Bavaria
youll prob not be able to drink the same with both- something A bit more delicate and lighter will better fit the salmon, but you could go balls out for the brisket. a Baltic porter, english porter or maybe a Munich dunkel lager... You may actually be able to do a Baltic for both. The karbach brewery makes a dank Munich called mother in lager, but there's tons around

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
ferguson protesters guarding stores, while the cops sit by and watch, doing nothing.

why are you even still alive, benis?
This kind of stupidity is hilarious, just frickin' over the top! Place is boarded up, completely ransacked and our villagle idiot tries to pass it off as a bunch of nice kids, out for a stroll just happen to stop by to control looting of a store, hah! :clap:

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Buyers create the market. Black people segregate themselves within the home market just the same as white people do or any other race. Less black people, less buyers, less interest in those homes thus less value. Racism is just an excuse, not the cause.