Quitting Cigarettes

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
Ya the oral and hand fixation pretty much. A blunt got a lil tobacco there too. I honestly like smoking so replace cigs with weed which means alot more weed lol


Well-Known Member
I quit for two and a half years...just picked it up again. Not happy about it...it started when I ran out of weed.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
haha feel ya there it happened to me cause all my friends smoke. Like I said it takes you right back to where you were. you could smoke 3 packs a day quit for ten years smoke one smoke and your smoking 3 packs the next day pretty much. Running out of weed sucks, worst is when you can't sleep the first day or two you don't have it


Well-Known Member
you can do eeeet Neo
i quit 2 years ago and can't stand the smell of them
mrs sunnyboy just quit, she's on the 3rd step of the patch and uses the Blue ecig and she is doing fine. she used to smoke 2 packs a day too. i'm very proud of her :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
E-Cig is the answer!
I've never had difficulty quitting. But I always started back, even if not smoking didn't phase me.
I do love smoking, which is why I started again and again.
With my E-Cig (Ego-C Twist with Vivi Nova) I don't need to start again since I can smoke that instead.
It's great! But It can be a chore at first when you need to find the right e-juice company..

Blowin' Smoke

Active Member
Keep a water bottle with you so your hands have something to do, gum for other times. It's not as hard as you might think to quit smoking, the hard part is to stay a non-smoker.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
When you quit, the scent of tobacco smoke becomes ungodly horrid to the nostrils. Plus imo you can smell it from like a mile away but when you smoke you can barely smell it on your clothes which sucks


Well-Known Member
I quit cold turkey been 5 months, feel great my friends still smoke my lungs thank me. Also my friend got pneumonia from an e-cig


New Member
usually no one loves a quitter but thats not the case when it comes to smoking.I love people who use the E-cig thingy at the bars(yes we can still smoke inside) when I'm trying to eat


Well-Known Member
5-7 depending on Brand. Example: Marlboro 7 and Pall Mall 5..I'm not in Hawaii @ the moment.
Hawaii is around 10 bucks


Well-Known Member
E-Cig is the answer!
I've never had difficulty quitting. But I always started back, even if not smoking didn't phase me.
I do love smoking, which is why I started again and again.
With my E-Cig (Ego-C Twist with Vivi Nova) I don't need to start again since I can smoke that instead.
It's great! But It can be a chore at first when you need to find the right e-juice company..
Thats the answer
I started out on blu
Blu sucks


Well-Known Member

Telling you man they work
I DID try these.. bought one about 3 months ago.. I have used it about 20 times... if that.. it's not the same as a cig.. the pull of the smoke is different the exhale is different... could have been the one I bought.. it's similar to a vape.. which I dont like..


Well-Known Member
I too quit cold turkey.....It was hard but so rewarding after 30 plus years of tobacco use I gave it up.......the only negative for me was a little weight gain that I had very little trouble loosing ....


Well-Known Member
See i smoke for a year and a half not long but like a pack a day....so i bought an e cig to help quit cigs so at first i was always using it but now i only.puff on my ecig when im high really


Staff member
e cigs didnt work for me because its so much like the real thing i just wanted a fucking cigerettte, however i quit cold turkey , i had a doctor tell me its the only way to do it but who knows im 72 days smoke free and happy

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I am tomorrow night. I have 11 cigarettes left. I'm going to go cold turkey after I run out and go to bed tomorrow night. Then when I wake up I just won't buy any. Cigarettes add up. Alot. I need to start saving money for our return trip to China. We're going to go next January for Chinese New Years. Tomorrow during the day I'm going to go to the dollar store and buy fake money. Then every day I'm going to put $5 dollars of the fake money in my "China Jar" to remind just how much cigarettes are stealing from me. I'm interested in hearing some stories of what may or may not have worked for you. Or just some words of encouragement. :grin:
I smoked cigs from the age of twelve until I was nineteen, after meeting my husband who didn't smoke and suffered with asthma I decided to give up I couldn't smoke when I was with him because it made him cough so being with him quite a lot helped because I simply didn't smoke. I then watched my mum and dad die of smoking related diseases that was quite an eye opener for my brothers and sisters too,the ones that smoked gave up. None of my children smoked when they grew up which I was pleased about, you have to think about your health and your family especially the little one now so be strong and good luck ;-)


Well-Known Member
Don't forget about nicotine replacement. That is what you are addicted to. The smoking itself is a habit. That said it takes a lot to quit and sometimes you can get addicted to the gum or the patches but it does break the hand to mouth thing. If you don't like the gum there is Chantex,(spelling?) that does work but can lead to "weird" thinking. I quit a bunch of times but went back to it during stress in my life. Last time was in 2000 but got addicted to the gum. It took a few months to get off of that but now I'm good. It's the hardest thing you'll do so don't get weak and try a hit or two or you'll lose all the ground you gained. My wife has tried all sorts of things but she won't listen to me. You can't have even one hit. Like one guy mentioned get by a couple of weeks and you'll start to forget it if you haven't cheated.


Well-Known Member
i always found it was easier to quit when i had a pack or more in the freezer. because i wasnt out, and i could have one if i really wanted. i roll my own now, the natural tobaky is so much smoother, and i dont feel like shit in the mornings like with brands (marbs, camels n such). i smoke like a chimney, like almost chain smoke, costs me 50$ a month. I figure im only cutting out the nursing home and not being able to wipe my own ass....

good luck to you tho neo.