Quitting Cigarettes


Well-Known Member
I am tomorrow night. I have 11 cigarettes left. I'm going to go cold turkey after I run out and go to bed tomorrow night. Then when I wake up I just won't buy any. Cigarettes add up. Alot. I need to start saving money for our return trip to China. We're going to go next January for Chinese New Years. Tomorrow during the day I'm going to go to the dollar store and buy fake money. Then every day I'm going to put $5 dollars of the fake money in my "China Jar" to remind just how much cigarettes are stealing from me. I'm interested in hearing some stories of what may or may not have worked for you. Or just some words of encouragement. :grin:


bud bootlegger
man, i wish smokes were only $5 per pack around here, they're almost $8 per.. :(


M Dogg

Active Member
In Canada they're 15.00 bucks a pack and our dollars are worth more than greenbacks now! Fuck that tobacco rocket fuel shit dude, if you truly want to quit (like if you had to watch your gramma die a terrible painful death) it ain't hard man. Cigarettes are fuckin' population control, institutionalized murder courtesy of your gov't bro...

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Now hows about that classic song without Yoko Ono fucking wailing in the background.



Well-Known Member
Good Luck Neosapien! here--->http://whyquit.org/ there's a stop smoking timetable about halfway down the middle column. That's a good read, and has helped a few people I know. For me when that record skipping urge hit I would drop and try and bang out some push ups. Remember there are fat cats getting rich on your slow death by purposely selling you something that severly reduces your quality of life. If you have a romantic partner I bet you notice a stamina difference after the first week of quiting. Good Luck.

Oh and remember it's a fucking illusion. That also helped me. A fucking illusion of calmness when physiologically it's not at all.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
In Canada they're 15.00 bucks a pack and our dollars are worth more than greenbacks now! Fuck that tobacco rocket fuel shit dude, if you truly want to quit (like if you had to watch your gramma die a terrible painful death) it ain't hard man. Cigarettes are fuckin' population control, institutionalized murder courtesy of your gov't bro...
I just get my cigarettes from the rez. $10 for a ziploc bag full. Might have a few stems poking out the side though


Well-Known Member
Good for you dude! I went cold turkey about 3 years ago and haven't even thought about another. You'll feel so much healthier after just a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
I got 7 newports left and smoking one now..... Was just talking with the moms about quitting. My dad smoked for like 30 years. The last few he smoked pretty heavy. Up to 2 packs a day. Then one day he decides to quit and just stops. He never went back. It's been a couple years now. Seeing it first hand makes me think I could do it. I've been smoking for a while now. Close to 10 years maybe.

Good luck to you.


bud bootlegger
lol, i agree steve.. after i posted it i started to listen to it.. didn't even make it about 2 minutes in.. sorry about that.. gotta remember listen first, post second.. :D


bud bootlegger
I got 7 newports left and smoking one now..... Was just talking with the moms about quitting. My dad smoked for like 30 years. The last few he smoked pretty heavy. Up to 2 packs a day. Then one day he decides to quit and just stops. He never went back. It's been a couple years now. Seeing it first hand makes me think I could do it. I've been smoking for a while now. Close to 10 years maybe.

Good luck to you.
you could give me the 6 newports that you have left and save me about $3 or so, and get to quitting all that much sooner.. Lol.. :D


Well-Known Member
I quit for about half a year once - patches and gum. Tried a few other times, but never as long. A year ago, I bought some more gum but just stopped and never used the gum. Not sure why it worked this time, but just keep at it until you finally make your break-through.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
I quit smoking 2 weeks ago its hard at first but when you get through the first few days your golden. Just don't smoke again you'll go right back to where you were. That was the mistake I made two years ago when I quit the first time. I would smoke like 4 drags and be fine, the mistake was smoking a full one. Pot is far better anyway