Quick Rapid Rooter ??


Well-Known Member
Can you drop seeds directly in the rapid rooters or do they to be sprouting already.

Thanks, I've never used seeds b4, usually clones. The clones have always come in rapid rooters.


Well-Known Member
Can you drop seeds directly in the rapid rooters or do they to be sprouting already.

Thanks, I've never used seeds b4, usually clones. The clones have always come in rapid rooters.
subcool starts his seeds in rapid rooters. I personally have never used them for sprouting seeds (I use them for clones also) but the way I understand it he soaks the seeds for a few hours or whatever then puts them in the moistened rapid rooters. Hope this helps.:weed:
I started my seeds in rapid rooters and they all popped up with no problems. In about 1 weeks time they not only have a super long tap root, but you can see the roots growing out the side already and they are pretty much ready to transplant. I don't soak the seeds in water, although I do soak the rapid rooters in ph'ed water overnight. Just drop them in and you'll be fine. :)