Quick Questions


This is my first grow, at first i was just germinating seeds just to see what they would look like, but then i really got into it and have one baby really growing and its got me pulled in. I did have a few quick questions thought.

1. My babys a week 1/2 old, Hes being grown outdoors he gets sunlight from 8am-4pm daily, Is that enough sunlight per day? He seems to be growing fine and has two huge healthy leaves grown, and two new ones coming in.

2.Would it be harmful to give it the eight hours of light a day and then give it some light from a 250w fluro for some hours?

3. If Number 2 is out of the question, I was wondering how would i send my plant into flowering because i know you need to give the plant 12/12 light/dark but if my plant is only getting 8 hours of light will it still bud?

4. I know its the wrong time of the year to plant but im stickin to it and hoping for the best.

Any answers would be greatly appreciated ! Thanks and Enjoyyy smookinnn:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
#1 no you need a minimum of 16 hours or it will start to flower.
#2 no in fact it's mandatory you give it more
#3 Yes it will start to bud as soon as it's sexually mature & it's a female.