quick question


this is my first attempt at growing
anyhow i have grown 4 sweettooths under 1x600 w son-t lamp in pots after they grew to about 1 1/2 - 2 ft i put them ito flowering stages all was well resin up nice very frosty after 6-7 weeks the hairs are tirning to an amber colour like strands of tobacco so i figured this was time to pull them down how ever i have notice the day b4 i cropped the resin / frostyness had disapaired from 100% frostyness to like 10-20 % have i pulled em to early / late why has the frostin disapaired. they are now hanging upside down in a cool dark area and will be checkin every 2-3 days for signs of mold


Active Member
I leave most strains in total darkness for 48hrs before harvest.
I believe this increases the "frost". I don't have science behind it but
I do it every harvest & it works


thxs for the responses guys im thinking i may of picked it a week or 2 to early damn in blast it.
but proof is in the toking right so fingers crossed it will be ok and if not ive learned a lesson for next try
thxs chaps :)