Quick Q. 12/12 veg?


Active Member
I was searchin some strains and found this:

I was wondering if someone could clarify what the following paragraph failed to.

"As an almost-pure Sativa, Silver Haze can vegetate and bloom simultaneously in a flowering light-cycle. Due to her height gain, she can be put into 12/12 very soon after germination and seedlings will have no trouble exceeding 1m when flowered at 10-15cm."

Are they basically saying that indicas have no to very little veg growth in flower state, while sativas continue to grow?

I remember reading alot of "Huge growth when flowering" but I thought I had seen though that on Indicas as well.

I R Confoosed. thanks :hug:


Well-Known Member
Its just describing that strain, not saying what Sativa's do on the whole or making indirect claims about what Indicas dont do.