Quick Newbie Questions


Active Member
Found this board while researching indoor growing. This is a really great board and I've already learned a lot...but i still have ass loads left to read up on. So onto some general questions:

1. My general idea is learn the basics, and work my way up toAeroponics. I believe the consensus is start soil and work my way up? Well, should i do anything special to gear my learning experience to Aeroponics?

2. Any books you'd reccomend?

3. Any step by step growing systems that would work well towards my aspirations?

That's about it for now. I'm gonna go back to reading the FAQ and beginner's guide, so i can ask somemore questions i'm sure u guys have seen millions of times.

Anyways, thanks for your time bros... look forward to growin my own :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The faq covers a lot and any question you have can be answered here. Before my first gorw I got the only two books they had at the barnes and noble right here and I guess they helped me some but basically everything in them is in the faq just condensed, and the one book I got was super outdated which was lame...Id agree you should probably have a couple harvest under your belt before you attempt aeroponics, because if you mess up your first harvest youll have wasted a lot less nutrients and money than if you went with soil