Quick Lighting question


New Member
So been living in the place i am now for 2yrs about to sign the lease in my name officially. Will b my first solo crib. No landlord. So my question is i got 2 1000w lights atm and would like to do more but idk how many would raise suspiscion power consumption wise. Including all my fans and pumps how many would be safe. I have a 3bed house w/garage if this helps.


New Member
So what your saying is id be fine with 4 1000w lights an ac unit a chill and all my fans and pumps? I have a 10x10 room with a side area for cloning. I would like to maximize my space but it seems to me that idbe running over 5k watts. Just would like to stay low. My plan originally was 2 lights 8 plants use Uncle Bens topping and create some monsters. Because ive used bens topping 4 times so far and got 1lb per plant wut u think? More plants less veg more light?

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Say your in flower.. 12 hour on
Then one month would be 4x1000x12x30=1,440,000w or 1440kw Going by 4000w just the lights
I use 1440w in one months time at 2 bedroom house with only me and one other person with no garage. And i don't use much electricity. With that said you using that much in a 3 bed with garage i don't see it being alarming. They don't know if u have 5 people or even more living there with 3 different window ac units running all the time or whatever. Just keep paying the bill and they'll be happy


Well-Known Member
I use an upstairs br with 2k in lights, window unit runs most of the day and night. People use heat presses compressors dryers and a ton of a/c here and the list goes on. Like the above stated...pay your bill and a big middle finger to the person scrutinizing what's going on in my house. I'm not an attorney but if someone is getting a warrant to look at your power consumption you'd be pegged as more than a household grower


Well-Known Member
I'm saying they don't know what your using that energy for nor do they give a shit nor is anybody even examining your bill. They print it out and send it to you and if y I u pay it that's it