Quick Lighting Question.


Well-Known Member
well idk man, but maybe u should go out and either buy a 50 w lamp or a 40 w bulb


New Member
are we talking cfls with permanent mount ballast? like are you just talking about a socket that is only rated for 40 watts?

I think that is what you are saying.
here is your answer
the plastic (its most likely plastic) that your lamp/socket is made out of it only rated to withstand 40 watts of heat.. your bulb creates 50 watts.. that means there is a possibility of melting and or fire. I would think there would be buffer zone of at least 10 watts, so it might not cause a hazerd but it very well could.... burning your house down isnt worth the few bucks for a lamp rated to 100 watts


Active Member
I myself have a quick lighting question. Recently I have gotten a vintage Battle Creek Bisolar Sunlamp model 051 (120 volts, 60Hz, 800 watts). The two outer lights are type RS- 275 watt and the center is type RS-250. My question is how would I go about using this without getting the vintage bulbs. Is it useful at all for growing? Help/advice is welcome. Thanks.


New Member
way to highjack this thread asshole.. since you are new i will explain...
start your own thread for your own questions... this doesnt relate to the original question in any way... dont hijack threads


New Member
if you have to use it than just keep an eye on it... touch it to see how hot it is evry once in a while and if it gets really hot turn it off for 10 minutes at a time


Active Member
Im going to bed like soon, and Im going to check how hot it is and go to bed. Tomorrow I have to get up at 630 so should I leave it on from 630-4? And also im gonna check online about the hazards. thanks again guys


Well-Known Member
use it 4 now, but get a new one asap, u dont wanna burn ur house down, and ppl dont fight,


Well-Known Member
look at it this way...

is it worth 1 of 3 things???

melting the setup or blowing a light and chancing a hermie plant because of a fucked up light schedule

god forbid burning your house down because of an electrical fire

shorting out (due to improperly installed breaker boxes) your whole houses electrical (which sadly is more expensive sometimes than the whole house burning down... depending on the house.. because wiring always cost the same whether mansion or mobile)

the cost difference in getting the right shit vs any of these situations is a no brainer.... hope this helps


Well-Known Member
b549420 How to make a thread, depending on ur question try and find the right area and then when u think its right, and when u first enter, u will see all the new threads that have been made right, well if u look up above all the other threads, under the live chat button, you will see a lil button on the top left side, and it will say New Thread click on that and go from there, i hope this made sence. i hope this helped you up man,


Active Member
ya, well I found a 60 watt lamp in my house but I need to find one that actually does'nt suck. but it will do. I need to get new pots SOON.


Well-Known Member
there is a plethora of nice helpful people on here.. some of them are dicks but still helpful... and some just like to mash keys and see the outcome... i like to think that my questions have for the most part been answered honestly and helpfully with a minimal amount of smart assery.. but there is the occasional dick that says "aluminum foil is better than mylar because its cheaper".... if you catch my drift...


Active Member
Yes, foil can actually hurt the plants, creating tiny burn holes. Not good. Mylar is by far better. Cheaper is not always better. (white paint of course. lol)