

i have 4 plants growing with a 150w high pressured sodium...i have them setup in a bubbleponics system with a couple airstones in the reservoir. i dont have anything setup to send water to the top of the plant so i am instead hand watering them. the roots are in the reservoir with the airstones on 24/7. i am getting signs of over watering but i dont feel i am watering to much. someone please give me a good idea of how many ttimes i should be watering

i would post picks but i dont know how cuz i just joined.... thanks so much


Active Member
i have 4 plants growing with a 150w high pressured sodium...i have them setup in a bubbleponics system with a couple airstones in the reservoir. i dont have anything setup to send water to the top of the plant so i am instead hand watering them. the roots are in the reservoir with the airstones on 24/7. i am getting signs of over watering but i dont feel i am watering to much. someone please give me a good idea of how many ttimes i should be watering

i would post picks but i dont know how cuz i just joined.... thanks so much

YOu have a bubble ponics system? with water in the res but you still hand water them?

Are the roots inside the resivoir touching the water ? If so there is no need to hand water from the top.

How old are they?


Well-Known Member
once the roots hit the reservoir you shouldn't have to hand water at all. Thats the whole point of hydroponics, not to have to hand water.


Well-Known Member
i have 4 plants growing with a 150w high pressured sodium...i have them setup in a bubbleponics system with a couple airstones in the reservoir. i dont have anything setup to send water to the top of the plant so i am instead hand watering them. the roots are in the reservoir with the airstones on 24/7. i am getting signs of over watering but i dont feel i am watering to much. someone please give me a good idea of how many ttimes i should be watering

i would post picks but i dont know how cuz i just joined.... thanks so much

Dude dont worry about it the bubbles splashing and humidity in the bucket reservoirs will be enough your roots will form and start to touch the water just be patient... I was teh same way but 1-2 weeks you should have roots in the water so just chill and dont harsh your mellow


the roots are touching the water in all of my plants...i thought since i didnt have a drip system hooked to the base of the plants i would need to hand water them....the plants were germinated september 20 so there just about a month...they are growing perfect and extremely fast, my only downfall was the slight curling of the leaves and i know the ph is perfect and the nutrient amount is perfect too. so i guess i was just overwatering which makes sense now that i think about it...will it hurt to give them a little mist once in the morning and once at night just to keep the leaves moist?