questions with no answers.. advice


Well-Known Member
i've started my new indoor growbox and i've come to a little problem.. i have had a few previous grows both indoor and out but i just built a bigger box and i was wondering what to do. a little discription on my setup... i presently run a flowering box that has 15 top cfl's all of the warm white type. i have 3 cpu fans that run 24/7 1 inlet 1 exhaust and 1 in room circulation fan. the lights are on a reflector that moves on a chain and the walls are lined with reflective material. the dimensions of the box are 2'x2'x3'.

i want to upgrade to better light but i'm on a low budget my buddy is a contractor and he can get me 2 70w hps for little or nothing but they have no end chord (plug) how hard would it be to wire this up?.. is it any harder then adding a plug to a lamp? ... do i need a certain type of wire..? and as i said i have 16 cfl's now but if i add this would it be better to add these and sacrafice 8 or more cfl's to do? will it get me better harvest/buds? will the fans that i have now be enough air intake
and outtake to keep the room cool?

aslo for the 2 hps's can i take the outer part of them off so i can make more room for more lights...? seen i won't be exposeing those to water will i take them off or will it not be safe?
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Well-Known Member
if you use the hps you will need ballast to if you dont have. have you turned on the cfl set up yet? seems like it`s going to get way to hot in there


Well-Known Member
a 70w hps has the ballist built in i think or either that it doesn't need one because one of my friends had one on his gro and he just uses the socket but his came pre wired


Well-Known Member
proly has the ballast and everything. Is dat wat you using cause heat is a real issue wit those.


Well-Known Member
yeah i think i am going to use those when i get them.. i have 3 fans already and i was going to add a 1'long 4" wide fan that circulates the air inside the room it has a low and a high setting .. would this be enough to cool the room with 8 cfl's and 2 -70watt hps?


Well-Known Member
i had a cab that was about 3x3x4 and 4 42 watt cfl`s plenty of air and venting and was way to hot. if it`s an hps you will need a ballast havn`t seen one yet that didn`t


Well-Known Member
ya it`s all in there. i would recomend dismantling it and keeping the ballst set up outside the room, those get pretty hot. but try it first then if needed take it apart


Well-Known Member
.................ya, use 3 wires, and i would have it go through a surge protected power bar.


Well-Known Member
yeah all my present lights go through one of those and i use an outdoor plug in it with a reset button on it