Questions for Americans?


Well-Known Member
When your government decides to build a new structure for something, or put money into something, is it always extortionately over valued.

In England when they build say a new structure for some ministers to hold meetings, it usually runs into the millions or whenever the local government decides to change anything or upgrade anything, what should cost maybe 500k turns into 27 million?


Well-Known Member
yes there is alot of money wasted on shit like that. but I dont think that much. unless its a huge mega structure


Well-Known Member
In england ever time a slice of money changes hands in a legal way, the government wants its slice, so eventually all money makes its way to the governments.

The source company who provides the raw materials for a product to be made in the first place will suffer various taxes on different elements, when they sell on the materials to the next stage the government takes a slice there too, when it gets to the next set of hands the process continues, right up until the final place where the last change of money takes place, then the government is still taking its slice.

I understand that it does cost a hell of a lot of money to run a country, but what the fuck is going on with all this money, how come no one really questions where its going and wants to make sure that ever penny went to the right source at the best price.

I'm sorry if my attitude in these politics forums offends anyone, but I hate politicians full stop, there is not one party or one candidate alive that i think has the interests of the people at heart, its all about money, they want the hot seat because of the amazing pay offs for a few short years then they can live like a king for the rest of their lives providing they don't get assassinated for whatever shit they have done.


New Member
Always over-runs projections. They have an ingenious government contracting scheme called cost plus. Thats where the contractor can charge anything he wants and gets a percentage of the total cost for profit, the higher the cost, the more the profit. thats what is going on in Iraq right now. Burning our tax money as fast as they can. It would be much more efficient if they just had a huge bonfire and threw money on it.


Well-Known Member
You also have to realize that the government official that contracts the job out is getting a percentage. Kickbacks have been going on in U.S. for decades. You just have to think of our government as the mafia. You give them enough money and they will do anything for you. There are more international interests running in legislation than american interests because of the campain donations that were given to canadates with the promise that they return the favor when in office with legislation that these international interests would benefit from. It is no longer about what is good for the american people.


Well-Known Member
Why do we tolerate this, its our lives they play with, its our lives they effect, why when there are so many of us and so few of them do we continue to let them get away with it.

The people should overthrow the governments and put in place a system that is beneficial to all, fuck all the parties they are all out to screw us over and spoon feed us sugar coated lies to keep us giving them money and keeping our heads down.

Does this make me a terrorist?


New Member
Why do we tolerate this, its our lives they play with, its our lives they effect, why when there are so many of us and so few of them do we continue to let them get away with it.

The people should overthrow the governments and put in place a system that is beneficial to all, fuck all the parties they are all out to screw us over and spoon feed us sugar coated lies to keep us giving them money and keeping our heads down.

Does this make me a terrorist?
Why do you think the most heinous crime is to overthrow the government. They knew that the populace would be willing to come after them at some point. The most horrific crime is contemplating overthrowing the Government. Conspiring to do so will get you life in prison and in war time, the death penalty. I believe all thinking americans, at this point, have at least contemplated overthrowing this regime. That probably makes a few million people guilty of this heinous crime and subject to the death penalty. to quell any uprising, the government would prosecute a few outspoken proponents and execute the most vocal ones, thus cementing their hold over the rest of us. The only way the coupe-de-tat would work is from the inside, we must have the generals on our side, and since they get their reasoning from the military-industrial complex, that is highly unlikely.


New Member
Last year we had a Congressman from Alaska that inserted into a bill an "earmark" for 250 million dollars to build a "bridge to nowhere." Actually, it was a bridge from the mainland to a small island inhabited by 50 people or so. Yeppers, 250 million dollars extracted from hard working taxpayers so 50 people would have an easier time getting to the shopping mall. And would you believe it ... that asshole Bush vetoed the damned thing! ~lol~



New Member
Last year we had a Congressman from Alaska that inserted into a bill an "earmark" for 250 million dollars to build a "bridge to nowhere." Actually, it was a bridge from the mainland to a small island inhabited by 50 people or so. Yeppers, 250 million dollars extracted from hard working taxpayers so 50 people would have an easier time getting to the shopping mall. And would you believe it ... that asshole Bush vetoed the damned thing! ~lol~

Might not that be because it had a timeline for withdrawing the troops included in the bill? Nice try, Bush has passed every spending bill to come down the pike. It was only when the Dems put a roadblock to his Iraq agenda that he brought out the Veto pen.


New Member
Might not that be because it had a timeline for withdrawing the troops included in the bill? Nice try, Bush has passed every spending bill to come down the pike. It was only when the Dems put a roadblock to his Iraq agenda that he brought out the Veto pen.
No, actually the bill was to provide additional funding for the war, so the Democrats and the lone Republican who wanted the freaking bridge to nowhere padded the bill with billions in pork for their local pet projects. So, Bush vetoed the bill. And, its not true that Bush passed every spending bill ... he didn't pass THAT one. ~lol~
