

Active Member
yeah that should be fine ,, ,, also transplanting so many times , can stress them ,, cause to turn hermi or slow in groth ,, they will catch on tho ,, , put on them cfls for 18/6 ,, & wait 2 weeks , no nutes or fertilizer ,, after 2 weeks , pick out the ones that are doing good & get them in bigger pots asap ,, ,, right before u transplant them again ,, water them nicly , & cut onn that cup with a razor blade , & try to keep that whole cup formation together with the soil ,, so the roots stay in there nicly ,, u should be golden,, if u do 18/6 u need to get a timer ,, theyre about 10$ ,, set it to 18on & 6 off ,, cause is u do it manuly u must turn on & off at exact times on & off everyday ,, & no light when its dark time ,, they need to be in total dark ,, ,, pitch black


Well-Known Member
ok i will get a timer monday. and set it to 18 on and 6 off. just use water to water them for the next 2 or 3 weeks i think i got this for now.


Well-Known Member
so this is the new and last setup
i hope

the clf's are closer than this i just have the lid up on it.


Well-Known Member
is it ok that my grow box's temp is like 85-90f.
and when the light are off it like 65-70f.


Well-Known Member
thats a little hot. I wouldnt let it get above 78. Try some fans or some ventilation. Fans will also help stem strength.


Well-Known Member
there is a little fan in there. i mean there is a lot of air moving in there now so i will cool down.


Well-Known Member
as long as you want,,,, you can veg for 1 day or 10 years,, its up to you....:peace:................................................................................................


Well-Known Member
so how do these look.
this is 2 1/2 weeks into vegg.

close ups

:confused:question what could be causing this.:confused:
its only on the edges.

and this is the setup for now until they get to big for this.



Active Member
Most of them look allright for now .After these plants get too big and u have to move them how big s the next area gonna be that ur goin to put them in??


Well-Known Member
we have like a 5 foot long and 4 foot deep and like 7 foot high space for after they get to big.
and we still have to figure out witch are males and with are females.

question normally how long does this take.


Active Member
If u plan on reusing ur plants after they get done flowering i suggest on lettin ur plants get 18" thru 24" before u start flowering them" thats my opinon some vary"Also usin the right nutes durin veg. and the rite nutes durin flowerin can make or break ur yeild sometimes!what type of nutes u usin??


Active Member
How long does wat take??to figure out if there male or females??to do this you have to wait till flowering and look for the white hairs comin from where the bud or new growth is comin from, if it has this triat ur lucky u have a girl.If there is a pod growin there saly u got a male.If u kno a little about cloning then the best way to figure out wat gender ur plant is to let ur plants get a lil taller than they are in the pics above and cut of s clipping and plant it in its separate pot "Dixie Cup".do this for every single plant u have and make sure u make which clipin u took from each plant cuz without this u work will be pointless lol.after u do this u'll have let these new clippings grow with the veg. side so it can grow some roots and get iself establish.After about a week or 2 take all of ur clipping (Clones) out of the vegeatative light and put all of them in a separate spot.Put the 12/12 light cycle on for ur clones so they can flower.keep up this light cycle on ur clones for about a week in a half to two weeks.By the end of the two weeks u should be able to tell if there is a pod or white hairsgrowing out of the newly added growth "Flowers"Pick out all of the males for ur Vegeastative side and keep them far away from ur females,if u keep the males too close all of this work u just did will had been for nothin cuz the pollen will reach ur girls makin them produce more seeds than bud!!!This is the method most indoor growers use to find out wat sexes there plants are!!(usaully).If u have any questions on Cloning look in the Grow FAQs and that should answer any more questions on that subject hope i helped!!!


Well-Known Member
i just put them into bigger cup and put half Miracle-Gro Organic Choice Garden Soil an half Miracle-Gro Potting Mix.

Miracle-Gro Organic Choice thia is what is in it
sphagnum peat moss and composted bark fines

Miracle-Gro Potting Mix with nutrients and fertilizer
.12% ammoniacal nitrogen
.09% nitrate nitrogen
.07% phosphate
.14% soluble potash

and we use Miracle-Gro spikes.


Active Member
Since ur usin Miracle Grow and u decided to go organic on ur nutes i suggest on u pickin up "Miracle Grow" Bone Meal or Blood can pick either of these at home depot or lowes?Most people dont like going the organic way because u dont see a tremedous growth after applyin the first day as u wud with chemical nutes.But in my and lots of other people opinon ur babys will end up heaithy and should see alot of atraul growth settin u up for good yeilds!!!I give these to nute two thumbs up and recommend u getin and usinthem!!


Active Member
The blood meal or bone meal is also cheap and easy to afford. $4.50 for bone meal and $5.50 for blood meal. those prices only apply if u live in the good ol usa lol hope i helped