Question on getting busted.


Well-Known Member
i highly doubt even if they did see it growing they would set the chopper down and go and pull it. it grows wild all over the place, they got bigger problems to deal with
I know right but i dont want to lose the land for 1 plant.. cause i mean i may have fucked myself and while going to the plants i later realized after i wasent high anymore walking in the grass makes a trail dumbass!!.. so right now its a small trail from my door to the place i covered um my tracks best i could tho. i wanna grow but i dunno if i get caught how to handel it without loseing land or freedom ha... i'ma go smoke and chill peaceZ:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
The odds of that one plant being a male is much greater than the police wasting hundreds of dollars on fuel and man power to rip up one plant.
I'd have 5-10 plants on 100 acres and I would have no problem sleeping at night.


Well-Known Member
100 acres, 100 ACRES!!!!! Damn man..... you could do a lot more than 1 plant on 100 acres without any fear of repercussions. Remember posession is 9/10ths of the equation for those wanting to nab you. Call a lawyer, they'll tell you the simple truth. The cops have to prove you planted it, and or catch you in posession of the aforementioned. 1 plant, hardly worth their while when some guy in lower east bumblefuck is growing 250 plants in the woods behind his neighbors house, lol. Paranoia will destroya'. But, like the other fellow said, don't do it you're sincerely that worried about it. Good luck..


Active Member
With the price of oil as it is, it would cost them 3x the plants value to land and then take off after they pulled it...... not worth it for them.


Well-Known Member
With the price of oil as it is, it would cost them 3x the plants value to land and then take off after they pulled it...... not worth it for them.

thats what i'm worryed about they see the plant on the property come down pull it pick me up and take the land sell it and make 2million.. wouldn't be above them todo it


Well-Known Member
thats what i'm worryed about they see the plant on the property come down pull it pick me up and take the land sell it and make 2million.. wouldn't be above them todo it
What entitles them to take your land from you if you break a law?


Well-Known Member
Dude, why are you even asking us if your just going to come back at each answer with I don't want to lose my house, just don't do it! If u are that worried u shouldn't do it because people who get as scared as you are right now fold under questioning by the police. They will see that fear and tear u apart, seriously, they will have u admit to it to try and plea out of it and their goes your house. If u decide to do it though, I don't think their is one place in the USA that would take your house for one plant and if anyone told u that they are full of shit. 1-4 plants here in WI is nothing more than a posession charge. If I go down to Illinois I could have up to 50 plants and get probation, if I didn't have any charges already... Everyone said this a million times already, it is no big deal. Oh yeah and if u are still reading this, the answer to your question is un answerable, it all just depends if the cop that would find your plant wants to de a dick or not, if he does your fucked, if he doesn't your good.


Well-Known Member
Remember posession is 9/10ths of the equation for those wanting to nab you. Call a lawyer, they'll tell you the simple truth. The cops have to prove you planted it, and or catch you in posession of the aforementioned.
What are you saying? That's terrible advice. He is in possession of it. It is on his property. And it doesn't have to be proven that he planted it, it is enough that he has it.

That said, it doesn't matter. Nothing will ever come of a single plant.


Well-Known Member
1 plant please. If i were you i put out a few more. That one plant could turn out Male:-( I keep my outdoor to a Minimum of 2-3 females. And even if i would get caught i mean what the hell is 3 plants. It's really no biggie in my book.



Well-Known Member
you should be harvesting around that time anyways, unless you're letting it flower for awhile..maybe september


Well-Known Member
more than likely yes but NG gos around here i have been hearing so i unno if i'ma pull or not o_O and i have upped the ammount of plants around is why i'm still fretting o_O 3 in 1 spot, 3 in 1 spot 5 feet away n 3 in another spot on the edge of sumof my woods