Question on FoxFarm v Earth Juice


Well-Known Member
I'm currently growing some new babies (see sig for details) and I've just started them on a fish emulsion (5-1-1) fert, but I'd like to use something a little more potent, yet still derived from mother earth.

I've read up on FoxFarms and I know everyone loves them so, but I'm not sure on if I should use it alone. I know Tiger Bloom and Grow Big are synthetic, but Big Bloom is organic.

As for Earth Juice, I know their whole line is 100%, but how potent is it? I'll likely be getting some Grow next week, but is it potent enough by itself, or should I mix in some of the fish emulsion? And would it be a good idea to blend EJ and FF together for the flower stage?

Or am I going the wrong way entirely? I want an organic grow that can be as good as it gets, so I'll listen to anything your experience can tell me.

Thanks, ninjas!
If you want to keep it organic I suggest you add more than just the fish emulsion such as high P guano, sea kelp emulsion, worm castings, high n guano, blackstrap molasses and others. google an organic nursery in your area and guaranteed to find one. They will have all sorts of good stuff. One here sells premixed compost tea ingredients. try it.
Would using organically derived nutes like Earthjuice make it inorganic in anyone's opinion? I definitely intend on adding more (I'll most likely be re-potting them in Ocean Forest soon), but I want to know what constitutes the difference between organic and inorganic in this case.
for veg i use a combonation of fish, earth juice grow, & kelp. do whatever you feel works for you & yours.. i like the earth juice line but it is rather weak in ppms compared to fox farm or some of the others name brands.
i use earth juice, like it alot, 100% organic, ph auto adjust after a good bubbling, my plants seem to love them. Doing the whole line up tho microblast, grow, catalyst, bloom and meta K. Havent used ff so i wouldnt know about them but u doing soil or hydro?
strictly soil. I'm using some not-so-great EarthGro, but I'll be buying some FF ocean forest next week, so that should make a difference.