Question for you outside growers


Well-Known Member
If it was near my property I would leave a note.......and wait a week.....if nothing happens then I would use those


Well-Known Member
I would also give them a chance to move them. If they didn't... well depending on the condition of the plants, snip snip or maybe consider them a "gift" from trespassers


Well-Known Member
You are pretty rude, I'm not a dude, and I don't like your attitude.

I know what I wrote. When we had vandalism at one of our properties, the local sheriff was very helpful.

I guess you just want someone to say it's okay to take their plants. I don't think that's a good idea.
LOL I didn't see anything wrong with what you wrote, I was going to tell him the same, since he made a point to mention he was legal and gee, I kinda thought you might be a 'miss' not a 'dude' by your avatar.
It's not just 'dudes' that grow :)


Well-Known Member
What kind of advice was Villa looking for? She shot down everything that was said to her and in a very rude manner. Why would she think twice about destroying them if she's that concerned about them being on her property. I sure as hell wouldn't feel bad about it. Cut them down or leave a note. I don't think its too difficult to figure out on your own.
Shot down all ideas, seems decision was already made up, and just wanted to vent.


Active Member
well i moved the plants and left a note saying they were at the sand pit and that if they ever moved plants onto my property again we'd have serious issues
and I'm sorry if you guys thought i was rude but cmon calling the cops because someones growing and setting them up to be busted was just not cool in my opinion.
I don't mind them growing just not on my property and jeapordizing my medical grow.Geesh they don't belong in jail for growing .
I just wasnt sure if i should chop them,move them, throw them in the river, or what.


Well-Known Member
You read me the riot act for suggesting you leave a note then that's what you do. Next time save us all some grief and act civil.


Active Member
No sorry I did not read you the riot act for suggesting leaving a note. I was fine till you suggested getting the cops involved.
re read the first posts.


Well-Known Member
Asking the sheriff to keep your property on his watch list is a far cry from "getting the cops involved". I only suggested it because you poopooed my initial leave a note suggestion and sounded scared about possible legal implications. It would not have been my first choice (though I have reported vandalism and trespassing to the sheriff in the past).

Btw, I hope you were polite in your note. It's evident that you can be quite a bitch (as you pointed out yourself in this thread). Glad you're feeling better now. However, in the future, why don't you discuss something like this with your husband? I assume it's his property, too. Certainly seems more appropriate to ask him than ask RIU. Anyhow, the situation seems to be resolved now. All's well that ends well, I suppose.


Active Member
So the sheriif watches my property, sees some kids going down there, goes to investigate and busts them for cultivation. What a way to ruin a young life. Plus sorry I don't want the sheriiff hanging around. I'm legal but the LO here don't like it.
As a matter of fact they are more "out for" legal growers then illegal ones cause they believe we consider ourselves "above the law". As for discussing things with my husband sorry but he's far to sick to have
to worry about this shit.The less the poor man has to worry about the better.

Sorry you think I shouldn't come here and ask people for there opinions on what I should do.

Phuck U

No sorry I did not read you the riot act for suggesting leaving a note. I was fine till you suggested getting the cops involved.
re read the first posts.
Laney, Never call the cops, any other d-bags, you don't either. Leave a note and they will move them. Don't F with other people's plants. :clap:


Well-Known Member
If it were me..I would leave a note saying " Do not trespass and you have 48 hours to remove these or I cull them"


Well-Known Member
Laney, Never call the cops, any other d-bags, you don't either. Leave a note and they will move them. Don't F with other people's plants. :clap:
Leaving a note was my first suggestion but Villa didn't like it at the time.

I grew up in Brooklyn and we learned early not to call the cops. I live in the country and the sheriff setup is very different. They are regular people and get voted in and out. If you live in the country, it pays to get to know the local sheriff with all that is coming down.