Question for you outside growers


Well-Known Member
well i moved the plants and left a note saying they were at the sand pit and that if they ever moved plants onto my property again we'd have serious issues
and I'm sorry if you guys thought i was rude but cmon calling the cops because someones growing and setting them up to be busted was just not cool in my opinion.
I don't mind them growing just not on my property and jeapordizing my medical grow.Geesh they don't belong in jail for growing .
I just wasnt sure if i should chop them,move them, throw them in the river, or what.
i was going to sugest something like this!
i understand getting worked up over this but sometimes is better to just chill down and handle problems in a way that wont fuck up anyones life. imo you did them a favour teaching them to do their homework next time they chose location. next time they might not be so lucky. what if you hated weed with all your soul? could have been a problem

anyways well played.


Well-Known Member
I think you did the right thing. But they might be afraid to go to the sandpit for fear of being setup haha

Jokes. Make sure you check back to the sand pit come harvest, they may have just left em behind?


You all are crazy!

If Villa is a legal med grower @ her limit, having these plants on her property could easily get her in trouble, and you all suggest to leave a note? Seriously? The person who planted those plants there had no consideration for Villas life or property or the ramifications that could come if those plants were found by LEO. She should have acted the same. Whoever planted those plants obviously didn't give two shits about the property owner, and she shouldn't give a shit about them. IMO the only answer is to cut them, throw them in the compost, and clean the area like nothing was ever there. No cute notes, no "asking them to move them".. Just kill them (the plants, not the grower :) ), and be done with it.

One of the suggestions in here was seriously "call the cops"? Really? That's just foolish.


Well-Known Member
Slow down ...In most cases the police just cull any plants over he ticket or court date..probably a couple kids doing what most of us were doing at that age..not a huge deal.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
I would of just keep them.Fuck plant laws too.

It's unconstitutional to tell people in the U.S.A, how many plants you can have;any plants, not just mj

ps, fuck this thread!


Slow down ...In most cases the police just cull any plants over he ticket or court date..probably a couple kids doing what most of us were doing at that age..not a huge deal.
I know what you're saying and you are right, it's not a huge deal because there are simple solutions. Though, I know where I'm @, I wouldn't be willing to hope for a "good cop." I've seen too many people made examples of to trust the govt to do the right thing.

You're right when you say it's probably just kids doing what we've all done before (which is why I say calling the cops is the single worst suggestion I've seen on RIU). You learn by making mistakes and seeing consequences for your actions. I guarantee if she chopped them down, those kids wouldn't be growing on someone elses property, and if they did they'd go far enough in the bush so that a property owner wouldn't see them. They would learn a VALUABLE lesson, perhaps the first or second most important lesson in guerilla growing.... Choose your grow spot wisely.


Well-Known Member
If no 1 else will say it I will. Cat fight!! Thanks ladies. Laney did hit it right on, this should be discussed with your "hubby" not riu. When married you r 1! For better or worse.


Well-Known Member
If no 1 else will say it I will. Cat fight!! Thanks ladies. Laney did hit it right on, this should be discussed with your "hubby" not riu. When married you r 1! For better or worse.
I agree ! Why would you take something like this to RIU.Do you really need our help to deal with something like this ? Anyway,In the end, I'm glad you handled it the way you did and I wish you and your hubby the best of luck in the future !! :leaf:


Active Member
I agree ! Why would you take something like this to RIU.Do you really need our help to deal with something like this ? Anyway,In the end, I'm glad you handled it the way you did and I wish you and your hubby the best of luck in the future !! :leaf:
Well like I said sorry I thought I could come here and ask for opinions.
Plus (757 growing) I guess you didnt read that my hubby is way too sick to have to worry about this shit and have the extra stress.
Plus here if your caught over the limit 2 times you loose the right to grow legally and yes they do enforce that here.
As for a cat fight sorry I grow to keep my hubby out of the hospital and in this world for as long as I possibly can.I guess non medical growers just don't get


Well-Known Member
Well like I said sorry I thought I could come here and ask for opinions.
Plus (757 growing) I guess you didnt read that my hubby is way too sick to have to worry about this shit and have the extra stress.
Plus here if your caught over the limit 2 times you loose the right to grow legally and yes they do enforce that here.
As for a cat fight sorry I grow to keep my hubby out of the hospital and in this world for as long as I possibly can.I guess non medical growers just don't get
yeah it's hella cool to post and ask for opinions...but,just don't shit all over what others are the one asking for help...

also may i ask where you live? the twice over the limit rule is crazy i have never heard that one before....

good luck to you and your hubs...


Well-Known Member
Yeah twice over the limit? Out here the first fine is $100, next is $500, next is $1000.....and then I think they take away your card.....not too sure, but it goes something like that out here.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Well like I said sorry I thought I could come here and ask for opinions.
Plus (757 growing) I guess you didnt read that my hubby is way too sick to have to worry about this shit and have the extra stress.
Plus here if your caught over the limit 2 times you loose the right to grow legally and yes they do enforce that here.
As for a cat fight sorry I grow to keep my hubby out of the hospital and in this world for as long as I possibly can.I guess non medical growers just don't get

I was the same way at first, about going over my limit.

But, a med grower, that's very wise told me something ,and it's true.''Do you think they give a fuck about 20 or 30 plants outside, you have?Hell no, they want them 100, 1000, 10,000, ect growers!''

After that I've been growing 7 more over my limit.Lol, cops looked at my shit and just flew over in a chopper, but that me-thank god!



Active Member
There is a lot of mud flying in here but I did see some thing missing in the air. Why not just put some gloves on, and walk them off your property? Odds are it's some kid who lives near by and or some one knows you grow. They might be trying to piggy back off your caregivers lisc. I agree it's not worth it to leave them. But you sound like you do have a lot to loose, so don't just cut them down and say ha!

Also don't touch them. Just because some thing is there does not mean it's yours. It's not inside. There are tons of people who have large 1000+ gardens on their land and don't know it. They don't get locked up.
Think before we act people.


Active Member
There is a lot of mud flying in here but I did see some thing missing in the air. Why not just put some gloves on, and walk them off your property? Odds are it's some kid who lives near by and or some one knows you grow. They might be trying to piggy back off your caregivers lisc. I agree it's not worth it to leave them. But you sound like you do have a lot to loose, so don't just cut them down and say ha!

Also don't touch them. Just because some thing is there does not mean it's yours. It's not inside. There are tons of people who have large 1000+ gardens on their land and don't know it. They don't get locked up.
Think before we act people.
Yup I agree with you but I don't want there plants lol. I have my limit.and yes all land you grow on is someone else but this was my back yard not just some parcel of land. That's what shocked me.

and people when I talk about medical grows I automaticly think legal grows. No everyone uses it for meds lol some of us (like me) are just stoners.


Active Member
Talk about a rock and a hard place... Villa reminds me of my mom lol cool with the green but not ok with disrespect. I would be pretty upset if someone was using my property for that...I would write a note or cut them down, you are very nice for moving them for those kids and very nice for not getting the police involved, btw I would never want a cop lerking around my property... calling the cops is worst case, at least where I live! well good luck let us know if they move the plants or if they write you back!