Well-Known Member
i was going to sugest something like this!well i moved the plants and left a note saying they were at the sand pit and that if they ever moved plants onto my property again we'd have serious issues
and I'm sorry if you guys thought i was rude but cmon calling the cops because someones growing and setting them up to be busted was just not cool in my opinion.
I don't mind them growing just not on my property and jeapordizing my medical grow.Geesh they don't belong in jail for growing .
I just wasnt sure if i should chop them,move them, throw them in the river, or what.
i understand getting worked up over this but sometimes is better to just chill down and handle problems in a way that wont fuck up anyones life. imo you did them a favour teaching them to do their homework next time they chose location. next time they might not be so lucky. what if you hated weed with all your soul? could have been a problem
anyways well played.