Got One Nug And Its Been Hanging For 2 Days....still Damp,and Stem Still Rubbery(wont Snap)...can I Go Ahead And Stick The Nug Insid A Small Glass Jar And Begin Curing? Or Will That Just Screw It Up?
how to dry the right way and to keep the strenth the same this is how i dry i get my 600watt light and put my buds in a drying bag u can get from any hydro shop,now hang the bag under the light for a couple hours then go and check it make shore u check it every couple hours after a couple hours get the bud and empty it in to garbage and leave it under light couple hours and then put it back in drying bag and dry another couple hours under light then put back in garbage bag and continue the process until u think its dry enough for you the reasons u put it in garbage bag after u have dryed for couple hours is to bring the moisture out ov the stem so each time u get it out ov the garbage it will be wet because it sweats thats good it means u are getting all the moisture out trust me it will come out very good when done and you dont have to wait days or even weeks who wants to wait that long to smoke it if u do it my way u will have it done in one maybe to days