Question: cloning


Well-Known Member
I have 4 females.
They have been traumatized by falling lights.
They have been on 12/12 since 4-21-07.
They showed their white hair pistils on 04-28-07.

One of my females has lost her top bud and surrounding leaves.
It was burnt by a light that fell.

They have only been flowering for 11 ds.

I was wondering if I could pull the damaged plant out and reveg to become a mother plant for clones?

I feel like it could be done.

Any help would be appreciated.
I guess none of the quetion answering people are on right now.

I have all but decided to go ahead and use this plant for clones.

It ironically has the most undergrowth.
It has branches that have 2 sets of leaves. (correction I went and counted/ 3-5 sets of leaves)
I would say it has about 4 of those right now that look like they would make good clones at about 6" tall.

Well I am off to read more about clonning.
I will prob watch that video on youtube again..
You can do it, the only thing is it's going to take about a month to go back to veg, you might be better off just taking a bunch of clones from it and starting those and letting one of those become your new mother. You could always just leave that plant almost bare and see if it still comes through.
That is what I was thinking entropic.
I should not have said mother (as in permanately)
I just want to use this abused plant for something worth while.
As I said It looks like I could take atleast 4 maybee 6 clones right now.

So are you saying I should wait the month and let go back into veg before taking clones?
I took this mutalated plant and chopped the top at an angle right below the burnt main stem.
I am going to just put it in the window for a few days to see how it fairs.
I think I will take entropics advice.
I am not sure about waiting a month though.
I feel like 2 weeks of 24 should suffice.

After a few days in window I will put under atleast 18/6 if not 24 hr.
I feel like as long as she doesn't die she will be great for clones.

I am just nervous about how long to wait before cutting..
Any other suggestions..
Oh, I meant take the clones now, you can find in the FAQ how to take multiple clones from one branch. Then put the clones and the plant under 24/7 light til the clones re-veg and root and the mother goes back to veg. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure the clones will go back to veg quicker than the mother.
ok I found this on cloning
Cloning Marijuana
It makes me feel alot beter..

It actually recomends letting the plats go thru harvest and then reveging and then taking clones during the reveg.
I always thought that would cause a problem and slow things down. I also thought it would cut down on the bud produced from the matured clones.

Ok so I am going to just do as I stated.
I have put that one plant in the window. I think it will be getting about 6 hours of direct and about about 8 hours of indirect light. The window is facing south.

I have some 21" grow lights. I will use those for the mother and clones.
I will leave it in the window probablly till saturday.

I feel like I could go ahead and take clones I just want the plant to have been in veg light for awhile.
I said 2 weeks.
I think I will wait and see.
I may take one or two in a week just to see how they do.

The buds on this plant were all but wiped out. I still have maybee 4 little buds on it.

I think I have decided to use it for a mother until I can get a better one.

Anyone else got any input?
Now I am off to make a homemade hydro system for the clones.
I figure If I start now.
I may have everything I need by the time the clones are rooted in the rockwool....
Ok The plant I pulled is doing really well.
I have had her in the bathroom with 1 grow light and under the incadescent lights ( I wanted her to stetch some).
I put her back in with the other 3 today. She has several bright green branches that look like they need to be cloned before they start getting too long. I will leave her in there with them for about 6-8 hours out of their 12 hours of light.
The rest of the time during their dark period she will be back in the bathroom without the incadescents just the fluro grow lights.

I have decided to keep her going another few weeks.
I am scarred to take the clones too soon. I also need to free up some space before I can start creating more plants.

Thanks for the info entropic

Happy growing
Hey Midgrade, flush that plant out by just giving plain ph'd water for about three days and then take all the clones you can. This will lower the nitrogen content and give you a better success rate. Don't wait two weeks for it to go back to veg, get your clones started as soon as possible. That way if the 'Mother Plant' doesn't make the transition you still have some clones. It does take a little longer when you clone a flowering plant, but we are talking just a couple weeks. VV
Thanks Victor.
I think I am going to split the difference.
I feel like 2 weeks shall be plenty.
And the mother seems to be doing fine, thriving even.
Ok It has been 11 days today.
Three days ago I took 2 clones. 6" ea.
Two days ago I took 2 more clones. 7" ea.

I trimmed the leaves in half on the tops of the clones and cut off lower brances on the 1st 2 since they would be under water otherwise.

The first set of 2 clones are looking good have not wilted yet.
The second set of 2 clones are looking just as sporty.

I find myself misting them frequently.(ie. every time I see them and they are dry) since I do not have them in a dome.

These clones are actually living in my bathroom.
They are about 6ft away from a 60w incadescent and 4 40w bright ass lights above the mirror..

I have the mother in there too.
I decided with her strectching from this type of light will help with lst and larger clones.
The mother looks like she is stuck in some crazy yoga position.
I strapped her down to one side.
I then stetched her back the other way with another strap.
I also pulled her back again the other way on top. (so right left right)

I was a little scarred doing the lst.
She is alot more pliable than I thought.
She did not crack or split or anything.

I just applied slow and low pressure.

I would say I almost cut her vertical profile in half.

I have decided to wait these clones out with just water and very little bit of peroxide. ( well I did add the h2o2 when I added the last 2 to the same cup/ all 4 in same cup)
I am not sure If I will use It again probally just water.

I will be getting some rooting hormone and an air pump with air stone for any future clones.
I have a ruber folgers coffe jug/can(whatever).
It looks like maybe a little over 1 gal.

I plan to use this jug by drilling holes in the lid and placing tubes ( 1/2" diam. x 2" long) in it to hold the clones.
I then plan to run an air stone through the lid via air hose from air pump.
Then it is just h20+hormone and insert clones.

The place I seen this proported 7-9 days for roots on clones.
We shall see.
here is

have roots in 8-10 days


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that is a funny avitar bigmike.
It took me a second to realize that it is a person running with scisors.

Ok I still do not have any roots on my clones.
The tops are getting new growth though.
So I quess they are not dying.

I want to see roots before I put them in soil.
If I have not seen roots w/in 15 days then I will go ahead and put in soil anyway.

I want to grow this set of clones in soil.
I would like to veg them for 2-3 weeks and then send them to flower.

I still have about 3-4 weeks on my budding plants.

I would like the clones to go into flower as soon as the others come out.

As a matter of fact I think I may only harvest one plant at a time.
I feel like one is more mature already.
If that is still the case here in 3 weeks I will harvest it and then 6 days later the 2nd and then another 6 the third.

Or something to that affect.

I am just trying to effectively space the plants so that I have bud comming when I need it. Rather before I run out.

I have decided to wait until I have more disposable income to start any hydro setups.
I have also decided to keep going soil and supplement with hydro.

I would like to go Dwc for 4-6 plants and soil for 4 plants on each grow from here out.

I will also be going with the bubble clonning for any further clones.
really the only reason we reveg plants is to find out how phyto sisentive they are...if the plant re-vegs it will make clones that will have a great succes rate in surviving an rooting faster...
I agree azgrow.

It is recomened to take the clones before flower.
I have also read that if you can wait it is even better to re veg and clone from desirable mother.
ie. most bud producing female with least troubles.

Yeah I just read something on that about 2weeks ago.
Before that I thought you had to take clones before flower and after that was poinltess.
Learn and grow I say.
yes learn an makes sense to wait untill re-veging to you know which plant is the sense in wastin time with inferior plants ...right..
really the only reason we reveg plants is to find out how phyto sisentive they are...if the plant re-vegs it will make clones that will have a great succes rate in surviving an rooting faster...

What a load of rubbish.

The only reason you should re-veg a plant is to get a second crop from it. You certinaly don't do it to take clones from, they should have been taken in vegetative growth. Taking clones from a reveged plant dimishes its genetic integrity, stresses, weakens it, makes it harder for cuts to root and in some instances diminishes potency and yield.