Question about vegging.

Enigmatic Ways

Well-Known Member
Yes he does!! He said it takes fat ass blunts of his weed to get you high!
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Yes that's very true I did say that and I still stick by that, after smoking for so many years you get a pretty high tolerance and the WWxBB just didn't do it for me or my personal taste, some of the people I was given it to was talking about how fantastic it was but for me no, so pretty much yeah I wasn't feeling it I don't think I'll be growing those genetics ever again. But I hear mostly good things about this Critical Kush so I'll let you know.


Well-Known Member
2nd set of leaves puts a seedling into veg (first true leaves)

As far as im concerned
Cotyledons>starter leaves>fan leaves(first true set)
My own plants in the pics.. I don't claim to be a pro or king of the Hill but enjoy growing and like good result like every1 I was told it was the tiny green strings on the bottom of the stem that's what iv been going by and all's been going well.. Tho people on this website think they are the bizz! All mirrors and no smoke lol!! Wise up try and be mature adults without degrading other people



Well-Known Member
That is completly wrong info. Not measuring dicks here. But everyone is secretly laughing. Just thought you should know because we all benefit from learning the right way. Cotyledons can fall in 7 days or 30 days. If they fall at 30 days that plant has already been in veg for some time.
That is completly wrong info. Not measuring dicks here. But everyone is secretly laughing. Just thought you should know because we all benefit from learning the right way. Cotyledons can fall in 7 days or 30 days. If they fall at 30 days that plant has already been in veg for some time.
If you say so m8 ;) gud luck 2 ya


Well-Known Member
Unlike most here i consider mine in veg stage as soon as it sprouts from soil. To me seedling stage is still part of the veg stage. Just the same i count flowering stage as soon as i flip to 12/12. But thats just me

That's essentially how I understand it. As soon as true leaves are grown the seedling is growing vegetation, therefore a in vegetative(?) state. This seems like something that would be true of all plants, not just cannabis... I'm happy for someone to explain to me how that's incorrect but it hasn't happened in this thread, yet.