Question about Seeds?


Active Member
I self pollinated my white widow. I have what looks like 2 seeds growing. I just wanna know how long does it take for seeds to ripe?

I had this one plant it herm on me but only grew one flower and keep the pollen and grew and smoked the plant it was a awesome high. So I pollinated the white widow and got 2 seeds. Here is a pic can anyone tell me when the seed will be done? I will harvest the whole plant but this branch I want these seeds... Can you see the bigger pistols?



Well-Known Member
after a whole season they should be ready.... like in nature.....during flowering, the plants get polinated, then seeds form, and then before the plants dies, the seeds fall to the ground.....then after a few cold months, after raining, it starts to warm up and then the seeds will start to germinate for the next season, I would say store them in a cool dark place for 4-5 months after the seeds fall off, or after you harvest....Then pick the brownish seeds or seeds with "tiger" stripes and use them. the light green/yellow seeds are immature and will not germinate easily.....hope this helps


bud bootlegger
i think it takes around 4 or so weeks for a seed to become fully mature.. but if you pollinate her as soon as she starts to flower, and cut the buds down when the rest of the plant is ready, you'll be fine..


Active Member
the seeds on my plant took around 5 weeks too mature. started using them after a week of pulling of the plant and they all sprouted. when the case that its in goes dry and the seed moves freely its ready, if it doesnt move its still attached on the bottom to the plant.they look like seeds do once they are ready.