Hello, dear friend.
I'm building a new project and this time I think of using COB LED's. I think to order few of the 50W's from this link -> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32891611732.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.4b554c4d23qHqi .
Now my question is should I get only 370-780nm or I should get 3500k also. I'm going to use the lights for the full cycle and also gonna make the lights per pair of 2x50W so in total a 100W per heatsink. Maybe I should combine 1pcs 370-780nm and 1pcs 3500k? Any advice will be more than welcome. Stay green guys
I'm building a new project and this time I think of using COB LED's. I think to order few of the 50W's from this link -> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32891611732.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.4b554c4d23qHqi .
Now my question is should I get only 370-780nm or I should get 3500k also. I'm going to use the lights for the full cycle and also gonna make the lights per pair of 2x50W so in total a 100W per heatsink. Maybe I should combine 1pcs 370-780nm and 1pcs 3500k? Any advice will be more than welcome. Stay green guys