Question about Flowering Spectrum?

The Snowman

Active Member
does it matter what spectrum of lights they are under when i start flowering them, like can i start 12/12 light with 6500k and then switch to 2700k when they start showing sex with the same results as if i started with 2700k because i was thinking about starting 12/12 lights tonight with my CFLs and then switch to a hid light once they show sex, because i will be getting one with in the next week or two, would that work?

here are my plants at 28 days since sprout.


bud bootlegger
it will work, the only problem that i may forsee is that they wrong spectrum lights may cause your plants to stretch a lil more than they would do if they were under the correct spectrum for flowering, nothing to really worry about.. the way i look at it, plenty of people veg under hps although they are better suited for flowering, and many people flower under mh's, even though they are better suited for veg.. of course you could get better results giving your plants what they want and need, i don't see much wrong with what your thinking of doing..
From what ive read blue light i.e more MH is more useful for strengthening the plan and a red spectrum is more useful for flowering the plants. Personally ide wait on the HID to flower to get the most out of the plants


Well-Known Member
Your choice, either is fine. I would keep the cfls for sidelighting and anywhere you think could use a lil extra light when you switch, not only is more light better ive found in my experience a mixed spectrum gives better results than just using 1 spectrum.

The Snowman

Active Member
Your choice, either is fine. I would keep the cfls for sidelighting and anywhere you think could use a lil extra light when you switch, not only is more light better ive found in my experience a mixed spectrum gives better results than just using 1 spectrum.
yeah that's what i was planning on doing, just hanging all my 6500k cfls for side lighting and under lighting, once i get my hid light.
thanks man!

The Snowman

Active Member
it will work, the only problem that i may forsee is that they wrong spectrum lights may cause your plants to stretch a lil more than they would do if they were under the correct spectrum for flowering, nothing to really worry about.. the way i look at it, plenty of people veg under hps although they are better suited for flowering, and many people flower under mh's, even though they are better suited for veg.. of course you could get better results giving your plants what they want and need, i don't see much wrong with what your thinking of doing..
yeah, i was planning on getting a hps for flower within the next week or two, i was just gonna start 12/12 so they will show sex by the time i get my hps light.