Question About Curing?


New Member
I was wondering if curing effects the mass and weight? I've been curing my buds in 32oz pickle jars and they work great. I generally fill them almost to the top..The only problem is after about 3 or 4 days about 1/5 of the bud looks like it's missing? I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this? thanks
I was wondering if curing effects the mass and weight? I've been curing my buds in 32oz pickle jars and they work great. I generally fill them almost to the top..The only problem is after about 3 or 4 days about 1/5 of the bud looks like it's missing? I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this? thanks

When they cure they are dry for the most part and they aren't getting much smaller in size. When in jars they hold there moisture, not lose it. Someones picking your stash man.
Yea its normal, they compact themselves as well as shrink some with water loss a full mason jar usually ends up at 3\4 or so for me...
this makes me feel a little better because I have a girl staying with me and i thought maybe she was dipping into it...i hope not
^ what he said... Start weighing it, I've had people pick at my stash before. A bunch of thugs my sister used to screw came in my room when I wasn't home and picked at it. I'd start checking the weight when it looks small!
Had this happen, cured a pound, some how lost a whole quarter! I almost started throwing shit. a certain family member of the sister variety was dipping into my jars. but normally you loose about a 1/8 oz for every quarter pound cured.
I was wondering if curing effects the mass and weight? I've been curing my buds in 32oz pickle jars and they work great. I generally fill them almost to the top..The only problem is after about 3 or 4 days about 1/5 of the bud looks like it's missing? I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this? thanks
Once dried your weed adapts to the local environment, when you pack your dried weed say at 55% into a jar, with constant opening and closing, the weed will suck in moisture from the air, if over dried from the current humidity and will raise it to a 90% plus if you are in a storm, or 25% Rh if in a desert,

at all costs avoid crashing/ crushing any weed, it damages the delicate Trics that carry the much loved THC
trics then fall to the bottom of the jar, and mostly fall to waste

ps next time in a china junk shop
look for those $3.00 humid stats
make ya own DIY Boveda Jars
, yu shudnt be losing very much weight in the jar/cure stage.

Thats what I thought. If it was jarred too moist mold can set into it. I have a buddy that just cant learn that. When he opens his jars to show me his " good stuff" you can almost see the mold spores jump out of it. It smells horrible.
Ok well, I talked to my girl and of course she denied it and I don't want to believe she did but BIG LESSON LEARNED. Make sure to weigh and hide your shit(so as to protect everyone involved)and i have another small harvest coming up soon. I'm going to make sure no one knows where it is and check to see if this jar does the same thing? and I'll get back on this thread and post my results. I may even post a few pics...but thanks everyone for the help and awesome advice...except maybe the thing about cutting her fingers off? lol!
...except maybe the thing about cutting her fingers off? lol!

Psh. Keep yo fingers out my jar, and yu can keep yo fingers :)
My ex use to smoke from my stash without permission. Told her if she didnt ask first, she'd be sleepin on the streets (more like the couch thou). Cant let yur own girl rob ya. Its not a big deal for her to ask, its only kush but outta respect for yur shit, gotta draw a line... or not. I don like people in my stuff thou.

Sir KK
Dry weight will be 20-25℅ of wet. Don't be a dick weighing that shit. Trust your girl and accept its perfectly normal as stated.
I promise
I hear you quizo...I wasn't a dick about it...I just asked if she had taken some...and said I really wasn't sure what was going on. So even if she did she knows i'm watching a lot more carefully..
Dry weight will be 20-25℅ of wet. Don't be a dick weighing that shit. Trust your girl and accept its perfectly normal as stated.
I promise

Keyword is dry. Shudnt be curing wet weed... Or i shud say, yu cant cure wet weed >.>
Hence the seperate drying and curing processes.

Also, trust is a very... Iffy term. Like faith. I can only imagine how many people get screwed daily because they werent a lil more proactive simply because they "trusted" someone.. Especially yur gf/bf. Ever heard of a prenup? Lol. But perhaps ive gone to far >.>

Sir KK