Question About Curing?

Get some nude pics of another female, preferable her mom, a sister, or a best friend, but any female will do as long as it's convincing that you shouldn't have these pics. Move your stash hidden well but some place she may find it. Place the pic's in a manner that your gf would have to be tampering with your jars to have found the pics. If she finds the pic's and gets pissy, then start asking questions. At this point she is caught stealing or at least caught tampering and she ought to be sleeping on the couch by now anyway so the fact she finds pics and is pissed won't really matter that much seeing how you should be equally pissed for her snooping or whatever she was up to. Maybe even nude pic's of her dad, brother, or her ex if you really want to cause some confusion. Maybe just a gay porno mag will do.
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Get some nude pics of another female, preferable her mom, a sister, or a best friend, but any female will do as long as it's convincing that you shouldn't have these pics. Move your stash hidden well but some place she may find it. Place the pic's in a manner that your gf would have to be tampering with your jars to have found the pics. If she finds the pic's and gets pissy, then start asking questions. At this point she is caught stealing or at least caught tampering and she ought to be sleeping on the couch by now anyway so the fact she finds pics and is pissed won't really matter that much seeing how you should be equally pissed for her snooping or whatever she was up to. Maybe even nude pic's of her dad, brother, or her ex if you really want to cause some confusion. Maybe just a gay porno mag will do.
Haha. Or get a safe.