QB does the Bubba x OG (Dr.Greenthumb)


Well-Known Member
Love his chemo Iranian.
Prolly my fav smoke to date. (but sharksBreath is a close 2nd)
The NL x cream taste of that last Chemo iranian plant is Devine!!!

Hydro always scared me you guys are brave , one mistake in hydro an the are dead.
Soil gives me some room for errors, lol
Yeah I hear you lol... I haven't lost a crop yet (knock on wood) as long as you keep everything under control it will live on even with power outages. All you gotta do is just keep the water levels up and keep that ph in check and its pretty much easy street. Everybody is different though I don't like tomatoes or onions you know what I mean? Lol.

I like hydro's control factors personally and the speed and build of the plants in hydro its a big difference from the soil or soilless imo. Idk I guess its all about going for what you know and what works best for you. Hydro is king in my book though :)


Well-Known Member
Did you start another journal over @ the Farm?
Yeah the old one appears to have caught a few peoples attention that I was unaware of. I have had a few high rep members e-mail me telling me to keep it going. Im bout to do it for them and everybody else I been cool with over there for a while who arent riu regulars. Its been getting a lot of love over there from people who might be really good people to be rubbing elbows with you feel me.


Active Member
im also looking into the dr. seeds. not sure what tho. im going to keep up with this thread...
soil?.....i think you eat it,or top your salads with it..kind of like croutons....lol thats all i grow in. il be trying air pots in my next grow.

wish ya the best quaterback


Well-Known Member
ProdigyGrower is also running DrGts kushes over there.
But he's keeping it on the down low.

Check him out...


Well-Known Member
I walked in there... they grew some more... here is a new update. Im gonna call this about ~3 1/2 weeks...

Plant #1 (The first to pop and also my personal favorite so far)

Plant #2 (Third to pop my second favorite)

Plant #3 (Second to pop, most sensitive to changes, and my least favorite of the 3)

This plant is different from the other 2. The leaves are different and it has a different color to it. I think plants 1 and 2 are the same pheno. This one is definitely different and even though it is my least favorite so far it does seem to have to most secondary growth out of the 3 with #1 close behind.

And a final group shot...


Well-Known Member
Little update action we are at about 4 weeks and some change since the planting... here it goes....

Plant #1

What can I say about plant #1? Plant #1 is a trooper its been healthy as a mf from the get go. I like it a lot and it stinks bad when you rub the stem and smell your finger... If I had to guess I would say that this one is the hybrid of bubba and og. I see some bubba but not quite. It looks like a nice mix so far.

Here is the insides

Plant #2

Plant #2 is a monster just like #1... I believe #2 is most indica pheno by leaf shape. This one resembles #1 a lot but the leafs are fatter and shorter and more indica like. I like this one a lot too.

And the insides of it...

Plant #3....

Plant #3 use to be my least fav... all that has changed now. I think I actually like this one the best now. Not only does it have gigantic leafs that look just like my bubba I have now but it is also the most compact and most developed as far as internode growth goes. Not only that but it is the one that has all the nodes of the plant stacked closest together. I told you before this one was different. I think #3 is gonna be my keeper its just a hunch right now but this one is special I can feel it. Look at this thing

The insides...

I had to take this pic just to show you what I mean when I say big ass leaves... This was measured from where the stem meets the leaf had I have measured from the bottom 2 fingers it would be even longer. This is no bullshit. This plant hasn't even developed fully yet. My bubba spits out footlongs length and width wise when everything is dialed in right. This one will do the same thing I can see it already...

The width is a little over 8"

A groupshot.....

And this one is just because I want to show off lol... this is a late week 7 bud of my current bubba crop :)

I can't wait till its bubba og with 2 times the yield :)

I hope you all enjoy this update... Ill do another one before I kill them, clone them, and start the real grow. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
The long awaited update is here lol sorry for keeping you good folks hangin so long.

To start I just got done pulling down my bubba and the shit is absolutely retarded this time around here so that's how I'm gonna start this update. The first one is wet the rest are all dry.

And now on to the bubba og's :)

Here is a few shots of them before I killed em

And then I killed them... to the cups they went. Left side are mine right side are my homeboys.

And their new home in my house

Its game time now...
Enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
So here is the long awaited update!!! I just got everything rollin tonight!!! :) This is the real grow I have been talking about this whole time. No need to bullshit though lets get started.

First and foremost lets introduce the equipment in this room...

These are the bulbs I will be using for this grow here... Ushio :)

For my short veg period

For my long flowering period

The ac's

The raptors

The dehumidifier/space heater

The Sentinel :)

The other most important piece in my garden besides my sentinel...

And as you can see there is a lot of other shit too... Co2 gen, 1/10hp chiller, 3 quantum infinite breeze wall fans, 1 floor fan, I also have 1 fan I just bought you can see it in the pics its got a black circular base the thing is fucking retarded it blows more air then any other fan I have ever seen in life... it does so much infact that the quantum's are all turned off and its just the black heavy duty fan and the floor fan going. The black fan does more then when I had 4 quantum's going at the same time. There is a whole bunch of other shit in this room not pictured but that's the majority of it.

Now on to the BUBBA OG!!!!

This is my 2 clones I used from plant 1 they were the most developed root wise. This one is a slow cloner though for as nice as it was while it was growing I figured it would have been the fastest rooter... I was wrong though, but they are still nice. :)

And the rapid rooter... even the top I cut has retarded roots and that thing was stupid thick. This one is the fastest and most developed root wise out of them all and it has a dank plant smell already. I got a feeling this one is gonna be the one that kicks out stupid potent aromas during veg and flower... I used 3 of these clones, here's a pic of 2 of them.

Plant 3 was second in line for most developed root system on all clones and also has a dank smell. I used 3 of these also. Here is 2 of them.

These are the 2 buckets I had open so I filled one of them with a #2 and another with a #3 because they had more developed roots then #1's left over clones. I am kind bummed I wanted an extra #1 cuz I have a good feeling about #1 but oh well. If #1 is the keeper I can just fill my whole system with it next time instead right?

And a couple shots to end it :)

Man Im excited... After 3 running hours and 2ml of ph down (UC always spikes my ph higher then the set point by a couple notches... Thank god after I mix its 5.5 exactly with no ph up or down added) here is the room stats.

Light cycle= 20/4
Temp= 81-83*f
RH=38% (soon to be in the 60% range once I throw the humi's in)
Co2 PPM= 1300
Water temp= 69*f
PH= 5.8

Its on like donkey kong now... look out everybody :)


Well-Known Member
Update... Just talked to my buddy... his results with his clones... The same as mine... Exactly! #1 rooted the slowest, #2 rooted the fastest and smelled nuts and #3 was next in line on the roots after #2... This is why having 2 people on a project is great, if it wasnt for him confirming my results I would have still been guessing why #1 rooted so slow (position in the cloner ect.) ill see if I can snap some pics of his next time I go over there.