Kandy Kush Scrog, 1200W, 5x5 Grow Tent

Velcro? Stitch on some big hooks? put holes and plastic tie wrap it? like the plastic strips with the grooves that lock through itself.

Or if you have a metal frame inside you could probably just tie wrap it to that.. just some ideas

Ended up using double sided tape to hold it up. Thanks for the tips though.

Plants are growing insanely fast, roots look phenominal, very nice and white, will post pics tmw,
Update: Jan 7th;

I had some issues with plant sickness, they were growing quite well up until the last couple days, it seems the issue has stopped progressing and they are slowly recovering from it, added some of this "flying skull z7" to my system, supposed to help with the slime issue im having, as well as help recover roots, also added some vitamino by botanicare to help with recovery.

Update Mar 20:
Sorry about the huge delay in update guys, I have been super busy at a new job, the plants are coming along well, not as well as I had hoped, due to the fact that i was so busy i couldn't give them the training they required, so the canopy became a bit uneven.

I will post pics soon. Unfortunately I have to sell off most of my gear as im moving into a new apartment building, and have to scale things down quite a bit.

I managed to eliminate the slime with "Flying Skull z7" water conditioner, i was also able to use water only run through a carbon and sediment filter with the z7, with absolutely no issues, truly amazing stuff. The buds are really starting to fatten up, and they only have about 3 weeks until harvest time, cant wait. Will have to post pics later.
how much did it cost to setup this operation? looks great.. just so newbs and new comers know what to expect on the investment side of things.?
how much did it cost to setup this operation? looks great.. just so newbs and new comers know what to expect on the investment side of things.?

I would say around $200 all said and done, with tax etc. Not a cheap setup by any means, it is however done the proper way, only thing i could do better is get some co2, and maybe an AC, but i feel that's an necessary expense.

TBH Though, I would've preferred to do 1x1000w in this space as the light footprint would've hit the corners much better, right now there is about a half foot on all sides of the tent that has smaller buds than the rest just because of the footprint of a 600w

And, here some nug porn, this pic is a bit old, will take another one later today. I had some pH issues, meter was not calibrated, so the buds lost about 3 weeks of precious time, which really sucks, luckily I rectified it for the last 3 weeks of bulking, and they are packing mad weight every day.
