PVC frame build measurements help!


Well-Known Member
Hoping someone would be able to fill in the blanks for me, only have paint on this laptop so the diagrams are a bit rusty. Not sure LED forums are the best place to post this, but as I'm looking to use LEDS and a scrog (which seems the best method for LED> it seems the best place. Never grown using either method.

On the first diagram I'm hoping for someone to fill in the best measurements for the blue star and pink cloud. Attaching the LEDS to the roof is not an option so need to explore other methods. The PVC is proving a bit pricey overall so might go with wood, but really just looking for the measurements for the blue star and pink cloud.

System will be a gravity fed drain to waste, in rockwell sugar cubes, second diagram is just to give an idea what I'll be working towards.Will be a Capn style system but don't want 8 pumps, stones and reservoirs.

Light fixture will be 4f x 4ft with 12 cobs a piece



Another reason not to build them, thanks!

I decided against it and am looking at building a structure with 3x3 8 foot wooden posts, was working out pretty expensive and wasn't sure how sturdy it would be with the weight of the lights. Cheers
Another reason not to build them, thanks!

I decided against it and am looking at building a structure with 3x3 8 foot wooden posts, was working out pretty expensive and wasn't sure how sturdy it would be with the weight of the lights. Cheers
I wouldn't use anything smaller than 2x2
4x4 cedar is pretty cheap (corner post decking stuff) , resistant to water, mildew. fyi
But really isnt a tent going to be cheaper by the time you count your labour , fasteners etc ? Not to mention retaining portability and weighing only a fraction of a wood frame. Seems a waste.
Man if you want in on the cheap but sturdy go 2x4 studs like $3 a board with 3" screws and you'll be good to go
These are the dimensions I want to work with, I priced the timber up and to build 3 structures 4x8x8 will cost about 250, maybe cheaper if I can get some salvaged. 3 tents with similar but smaller dimensions works out just shy of 500

I like the sturdiness the wood will offer as well to hold the lights. And labour is free, although I don't look forward to it!

My country is never below 80% humidity, and is usually well over 90, so a little wary of growing hydro in those tents.

Will be a little suspicious though running up and down the stairs with 30 8 foot posts lol