Put your coffee cup down idiot, YOU offend US

Is a patriot really swearing he's an anarchist?

Fuck your country.

You see that's the problem with your collectivist mindset. I am responsible for MY actions, not my dads or my sons actions. I am not a Patriot fan, although I remember Steve Grogan as quarterback and Sam "Bam" Cunningham running over people from the fullback slot.

You are saying two different things at once Anarcho - Cognitive Dissonant , you are saying fuck the country that you accept money from which is forcefully extracted from people.

You also made me laugh when you called me a Republican. Maybe you should quit your waiter job and do comedy, your ability to sustain a consistent argument is laughable too.
"government interference" into the health care industry has given citizens of other wealthy nations more liberty than ever.

Nations aren't wealthy. Individuals are. You have confused the parasite and the blood source.

Also, government can't "give" liberty. They can only take it away.

If a person is a "citizen", you should ask yourself if that person is a citizen by their own individual consent or if somebody else made up a rule and declared them a citizen of a given nation state without their consent.
I think in this conversation, you got owned. That is all.

Oh you declared victory... Cool story bro.

Just be a broken record and declare victory. You have the wrong idea of what the word anarchist means. Capitalism and anarchism are mutually exclusive terms. Just go ahead and ask what is property a thousand more times and call me a collectivist.

I'll tell you what is NOT property. People are not property. You can't own people. People have rights.

I may collect a check from the empire and spend it outside of the borders as a big fuck you but at least I don't support it like you do. I know I know, you are coerced, you have no choice. But really, what choice do I have? You seem to want me to be a beggar or a servant. I want you to stand up to your gov't.

You won't because you're a patriotic republican racist who opposes civil rights and thinks that the owners of ill gotten property should have the right to exclude people based on skin color. You have even stated that you think it is tantamount to rape that a white gas station owner is forced to sell gas to black customers.
See this is what it basically boils down to Rob Roy. You are saying I can't be an anarchist because I collect a disability check. I'm saying you can't be an anarchist because you're a right wing paulbot racist who opposes civil rights and thinks people are property.

So let's stay focused on my disability check since that is clearly what you want. I'm not ashamed. I take that money and I spend it outside of the empire, like a big fuck you to the empire. I'm glad you don't like it. Fuck your country.
Oh you declared victory... Cool story bro.

Just be a broken record and declare victory. You have the wrong idea of what the word anarchist means. Capitalism and anarchism are mutually exclusive terms. Just go ahead and ask what is property a thousand more times and call me a collectivist.

I'll tell you what is NOT property. People are not property. You can't own people. People have rights.

I may collect a check from the empire and spend it outside of the borders as a big fuck you but at least I don't support it like you do. I know I know, you are coerced, you have no choice. But really, what choice do I have? You seem to want me to be a beggar or a servant. I want you to stand up to your gov't.

You won't because you're a patriotic republican racist who opposes civil rights and thinks that the owners of ill gotten property should have the right to exclude people based on skin color. You have even stated that you think it is tantamount to rape that a white gas station owner is forced to sell gas to black customers.

Nice try kid, but the J.V. team may have a spot for you as a backup. Maybe next year when your arguments put on a little weight.

I never said person A can own person B. I said person A can only "own" person A. If you have to re-invent my position so that you can argue against it in an attempt to avoid your own hypocrisy, have a great time.....Anarcho - Fake O.

Where you spend the stolen money is irrelevant. You know that. Now, you can't even strawman very good.

It is tantamount to rape to make a black person serve a white person against their will too. Now go and recreate my meaning for me so you won't have to face your own hypocrisy.

You are a fake. I don't have a government that I have consented to.

If a person stands up to their government, won't they be destroying your host parasite?
See this is what it basically boils down to Rob Roy. You are saying I can't be an anarchist because I collect a disability check. I'm saying you can't be an anarchist because you're a right wing paulbot racist who opposes civil rights and thinks people are property.

So let's stay focused on my disability check since that is clearly what you want. I'm not ashamed. I take that money and I spend it outside of the empire, like a big fuck you to the empire. I'm glad you don't like it. Fuck your country.

Of all the major politicians I find Ron Paul least offensive. He would have withdrawn empire troops from overseas, which is a good thing.

You aren't an anarchist, because of your parasitism and your preference for coercive government intervention into peoples lives for the things you approve of. It's self evident.

Also, the reason I "won" is because I don't shift my positions, put words in your mouth or create strawman arguments, you do.

Now go draw a penis kid.
You think there is a contradiction in me being an anarchist and receiving a check from the gov't. I think there is a contradiction in claiming to be an anarchist and paying the gov't a check. So if you pay taxes, you're the one supporting the gov't.

I explained why a "free-market" is coercive. Privatization. There is nothing consensual about privatization. It is pure coercion. Work or starve. Why should people be forced to rely on a market to feed themselves? Why should people be forced to rent their bodies out in order to purchase the means to survive? It is because of privatization of everyfuckingthing.

When you combine that with giving the owner of ill gotten means of production the right to exclude who he or she chooses, they will do so, and as history has shown, they will do so based on skin color. You support their "right" to do so. You have repeatedly affirmed your opposition to civil rights. If people don't have the right to feed themselves, they don't have the right to fucking live.

You call self ownership sacred. I call it retarded.

People are not property at all. Nobody can own a person.

You don't own yourself, you ARE yourself.
I am unaware of any restaurant in the most racist place in our history that refused to sell food to blacks.

What was refused was a seat inside and table service.

They all, every damn one, allowed anyone to order food from the window.
I'll be right back, I'm going to go rape a bottle of water from the corner store.

If a person had a bottle of water and they didn't want to sell it to you, would you ask your benefactor the coercive government to intervene and make them sell it to you or would you leave them alone?

I'd leave them alone. You, probably not.
And I said that people are not property at all. People are people. The fact that they have rights doesn't come from being property, it comes from being people.

I own myself. In that sense I am my own property to do with as I wish as long as I do not violate anothers property.

I think we can agree, all semantics aside that owning other people is not a good idea.

So, are you still claiming to be an Anarchist -something or other or have we put that little lie to bed?
If a person had a bottle of water and they didn't want to sell it to you, would you ask your benefactor the coercive government to intervene and make them sell it to you or would you leave them alone?

I'd leave them alone. You, probably not.

If I needed water, I would be willing to steal it if I had to.
I own myself. In that sense I am my own property to do with as I wish as long as I do not violate anothers property.

What ever you say.

I'm not property at all. Nobody owns me. I have rights.

The thing is, this whole self ownership thing is not just semantics, it is the core and most sacred tenet of your oxymoronic anarchocapitalism. To call it semantics ignores the fact that property can be transferred. An anarchist does not see people as property to be rented.

Furthermore, your argument hinges around ME personally, and not my brand of anarchism. This is classic ad hominem. Explicate the argument, not the man. Sure I am imperfect, sure I can be a hypocrite (I do disagree) but even if I am, it is only an attack on me, not on anarchosyndicalism. So your entire argument relies on a fallacy.