Put your coffee cup down idiot, YOU offend US

What ever you say.

I'm not property at all. Nobody owns me. I have rights.

The thing is, this whole self ownership thing is not just semantics, it is the core and most sacred tenet of your oxymoronic anarchocapitalism. To call it semantics ignores the fact that property can be transferred. An anarchist does not see people as property.

Furthermore, your argument hinges around ME personally, and not my brand of anarchism. This is classic ad hominem. Explicate the argument, not the man. Sure I am imperfect, sure I can be a hypocrite (I do disagree) but even if I am, it is only an attack on me, not on anarchosyndicalism. So your entire argument relies on a fallacy.
I told you. We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week. But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting. By a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs,-- --but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more--
What ever you say.

I'm not property at all. Nobody owns me. I have rights.

The thing is, this whole self ownership thing is not just semantics, it is the core and most sacred tenet of your oxymoronic anarchocapitalism. To call it semantics ignores the fact that property can be transferred. An anarchist does not see people as property.

Furthermore, your argument hinges around ME personally, and not my brand of anarchism. This is classic ad hominem. Explicate the argument, not the man. Sure I am imperfect, sure I can be a hypocrite (I do disagree) but even if I am, it is only an attack on me, not on anarchosyndicalism. So your entire argument relies on a fallacy.

I think YOU own you and nobody but you can transfer or rent you out unless you agree absent duress.

No, my argument does not rely on fallacy. Your presentation of yourself was a lie and you got called on it, deal with it.

You can't be an Anarchist - anything and suckle at the tit of a central authority.

I never fucked with you, UNTIL you fucked with me. So take your ad - hom indignation to the bank and deposit it with your stolen money.
If a person had a bottle of water and they didn't want to sell it to you, would you ask your benefactor the coercive government to intervene and make them sell it to you or would you leave them alone?

I'd leave them alone. You, probably not.
If the guy with the water was selling to everyone else, but wouldn't sell to me, I'd kick his ass and take his water.
If the guy with the water was selling to everyone else, but wouldn't sell to me, I'd kick his ass and take his water.
Maybe he wasn't selling to you because you kicked someones ass last week and now he has his 9mm ready to pop pop pop make you drop drop drop??
Maybe he wasn't selling to you because you kicked someones ass last week and now he has his 9mm ready to pop pop pop make you drop drop drop??

Or maybe he is a racist piece of shit who is only unwilling to sell him water because of a difference in skin color.

I wonder which one is more likely based on history and the civil rights movement.
If the guy with the water was selling to everyone else, but wouldn't sell to me, I'd kick his ass and take his water.

I'd open a store across the street from him and sell you some, if you promised not to be violent or steal.
Or maybe he is a racist piece of shit who is only unwilling to sell him water because of a difference in skin color.

I wonder which one is more likely based on history and the civil rights movement.

Are you saying that a racist has no right to determine the use of his OWN property?
He doesn't even have a right to live. Point the fucking racist piece of shit out and I'll deprive him my self.

I certainly don't like his belief (the racist) , but UNTIL he deprives somebody of something that isn't his, I don't feel I should harm him in an offensive manner.

You should consider that violence initiated is not the right path.

hate to spill the beans but ad hominem is a fallacy

and you're a butt hurt piece of property

My butt is fine. Also, I'm pretty confident I never fucked with you until you fucked with me. If I initiated it, I was wrong.
Are you saying that a racist has no right to determine the use of his OWN property?

a racist has no right to cause harm like we saw happen in the days before civil rights, an era you want to return to.

if you want to refuse service based on skin color, that right already exists. just open a private club.

what you want are "special rights" to cause harm with your racism.