Put your coffee cup down idiot, YOU offend US

Is a patriot really swearing he's an anarchist?

Fuck your country.
This guy says fuck colonialism, fuck america, is probably burning a flag right now, but her money is green as fuck you hypocritical mooch.

Tell us all about how uncle sam forced you to attend airborne school so you could hone your killing skills?

This is why your beliefs are garbage and you only pay them lip service. If you had any balls you'd put your money where your mouth is and discontinue VA benefits.
This guy says fuck colonialism, fuck america, is probably burning a flag right now, but her money is green as fuck you hypocritical mooch.

Tell us all about how uncle sam forced you to attend airborne school so you could hone your killing skills?

This is why your beliefs are garbage and you only pay them lip service. If you had any balls you'd put your money where your mouth is and discontinue VA benefits.
Where's my hug, bae?
Are you really so stupid as to start arguing semantics, and then cry about it when you commit semantic fallacies?
Still sore that you got schooled on the definition huh?

Its ok, I always thought it meant pretty much freedom until about 30 years ago.

Government is currently the authority in this country, in some countries it's a monarchy, in others it's a dictatorship. If you can't understand that and have to resort to trying to be right, well then the more power to ya, you can be right, but only by yourself, the rest of the world will see you as wrong.
All this coming from the guy who thinks having to sell gasoline to a black person is rape. You seem butt hurt. Stop supporting coercion, stop supporting the gov't, opposing civil rights and viewing people as property. Maybe then you'll be an anarchist.

Your Uncle Buck imitation would be more believable if you drew a penis or something after you flip the checker board over.

No, I don't think selling gasoline to a black person or a white person or an Anarcho - fake o even is rape, as long the interaction involves consent from all parties. You on the other hand believe consent is not necessary to make one person serve another or be involved in an interaction.

You are an Anarcho - statist. My dog is unlicensed and is more of an Anarchist than you. His name is Anarcho - Fido and he's unlicensed. He chases mail men and growls at cops. He's a good dog.
You're not an anarchist either, you believe people are property and oppose civil rights.

I believe people own themselves but not others. You are trying to avoid the obvious and being childish, which is saying alot given the way people fuck with each other here. I'll lay off when you man up, maybe even before then, since my kicking you when you are down is not my style.

I oppose coercion. You live off of it. Playing word games does not change that. My dog says hello and asks you to stop using stolen money. Good boy Fido.
Everytime someone calls me a statist I piss on the constitution and burn the flag.

Yes, sometimes I call myself a Yeti and prowl around at night yowling and ripping tents on Mount Everest although I am really a Sam Squatch.

People are not property. People are people. I know it's hard to grasp for a patriotic conservative republican capitalist who opposes civil rights but try to wrap your head around it. Nobody gets to own anybody.

Your hypocrisy owns you.
"government interference" into the health care industry has given citizens of other wealthy nations more liberty than ever.
That would be real universal healthcare, not the bullshit you guys are running with. Note that employers don't have input into healthcare or its coverage on any level, at any time.