Push for death for animal cruelty....


New Member
..............:spew:.....:fire:I'll remember you!!!!!!!!:evil:
dude i can seriously care less how the food gets to my table
its not that I'm a cold hearted person but... it's the fact that they are fucking animals. it cant ask me how it tastes
so i dont care


Well-Known Member
Exactly lacy.
We all want to feel love and give love but sometimes that capacity has been either reduced or completely removed from people either for short periods of time or forever usually due to a crappy childhood of some kind.

Even rich kids grow up bad as well as people often confuse the fact that the child has a million pounds worth of toys with the fact that the kids are actually loved not to mention the fact that all kinds of abuse go on behind all kinds of doors including the doors of Beverly Hills mansions.

I truly believe that anyone can be helped not to change into something else but just to bring whats hidden maybe really deep inside back out again.
This is what has occurred in the story you told lacy about the prisoners that learned empathy and compassion from the dogs.

Theres a diamond in every one of us and we all make mistakes nothing will ever change my belief in that,i forgive you all and seek my own forgiveness:peace:


New Member
Well said Nat. This is so true. You are not only good with your camera Nat but you express yourself very well.
Nice read.

You've helped me feel better about this thread because I find this topic very upsetting.


Goodnight everyone.
Exactly lacy.
We all want to feel love and give love but sometimes that capacity has been either reduced or completely removed from people either for short periods of time or forever usually due to a crappy childhood of some kind.

Even rich kids grow up bad as well as people often confuse the fact that the child has a million pounds worth of toys with the fact that the kids are actually loved not to mention the fact that all kinds of abuse go on behind all kinds of doors including the doors of Beverly Hills mansions.

I truly believe that anyone can be helped not to change into something else but just to bring whats hidden maybe really deep inside back out again.
This is what has occurred in the story you told lacy about the prisoners that learned empathy and compassion from the dogs.

Theres a diamond in every one of us and we all make mistakes nothing will ever change my belief in that,i forgive you all and seek my own forgiveness:peace:


Active Member
Wont jump on you blunt but the Vick cas had nothing to do with race it had to do with stupidity and ignorance.He was funding and was welkl aware of what he had on his own property.He was placed there by former friends.He owned the kennel that sold these dogs.Granted we dont have good enough laws for murder and rapes but thats why I said I want to push for this type of crime to be more.Now as far as animals and humane life.We are the exact same .What would give us the we are better then them card? They are living breathing, feeling being just as animals. We may have evolved to a different level of communication and society but we are the exact same as ana nimal and anyone who kills a defensless animal should be treated as a murder point blank. Since they cant kill a piece of shit like Vick at least they can take everything else away from him.If dog fights to death are how Vick was supporting his family then he doesnt deserve the mega million sponsors deals or his football contract. He was to be a example to kids how they can get a better life the right way and not to encourage bullshit hood mentality of the lowest levels of menatl capicity that is displayed by those who think its ok to do it.I am also a person who believes in disciplining a child with spankings and not a bull shit time out. A child has to be should in a resonabl;e primative way that they are not to do something and something like a spanking will reenforce that unlike a time out which is crap.Children are already being made to be so weak by that type of parenting.You see shows like nanny 911 or super nanny and the kids are screaming,hhitting , parents and back talking.This doesnt happen in a discipline home.Its not to be abused but used to make the child understand thier will be consciquences for a bad behaivor and that is why there are so many kids who develope into shitty adults poor parenting.Johnny doesnt need a talking to Johnny needs his ass spanked and told why.I dont believe in religion or a god but that man is his own devise whether he lifes life right or wrong. You make your life a heaven or a hell and your actions will be your judgement.An eye for an eye would make this country much better. A rapist gets to go home and rape again in under 5 years.A murder can be out in as little as 5 years.The victims dont get that luxury same as an animal who was killed by someone who if they can kill innocence without pause are useless to my society anyways and like all violent offenders will do it again so if its "Hey I better think this out as if I do it and get caught it will be done to me" these things would dramatically stop.If a guy tosses a puppy off a roof he gets a $100 fine.That deters no one with that low of an iq.
i am sorry but there is nooooooooooooo way i can let some one call me a animal one way or another. who gives a shit about dogs anyway it was all about race.


Active Member
i really think everyone on thsi thread is high as hell!!!. there is no way humans and animals are alike. who cares about animals. smoke and be happy.


Active Member
:joint::blsmoke:i really think everyone on thsi thread is high as hell!!!. there is no way humans and animals are alike. who cares about animals. smoke and be happy.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
i really think everyone on thsi thread is high as hell!!!. there is no way humans and animals are alike. who cares about animals. smoke and be happy.

ohhhhhh it's gonna be a painful transition for you from human to grass hopper in your next life...


See things as your equal NOW.. or get a free lesson later on.... :hump:



Well-Known Member
I think if any of you guys had someone they love on deathrow, your views may change a bit. For you to suggest that your loved one should be murdered by someone, regardless if it is the government or a stranger, well lets just say your heart will break just as it will from watching the news and seeing some prick had set a dog on fire for fun.

Bear's Blunts

Well-Known Member
anyone that hurts animals should be hanged .if i seen anyone hurt a animal if front of me i would snap.and probably got to jail for what i did to the abuser. Peace


Well-Known Member
gk you are the best and i like your new subtitle love dr :)

Originally Posted by Garden Knowm
ohhhhhh it's gonna be a painful transition for you from human to grass hopper in your next life...


See things as your equal NOW.. or get a free lesson later on.... :hump:
