i bong all day long.ns to have a roomy home.i wish i had 3 bedrooms to work with jus this one i use.yeah i got a nice sized house
3 bedroom
i built a fake wall in basment tent behind wall
double carbon inside big enough for tent ducted out to another fan an scrubber set up then i have this electronic scent release like commercial bathrooms
called vaportech dont smell nutin no matter how dank
wife and son had peeps in and out -an i live a fam lifestyle -can have service in basment wit no problems
but limited numbers - enough for me wife hardly smokes - 4 or 5 joints a week i do like 4 bowls a day adv
Zannie bars..loldoes anyone know wat these are??lol.
actually thier for pre surgery,have a wonferful day jrk.Clonazepam 2 mg? <--link