and the king decreed a day of festiviies and rejoice as the whole kingdumgot the email outlaws East coast purple deisel on the way.
lol,now i noticed i can be googled ,alot,loll.seen the review u did on bcseed for the ssh's huge buds cant wait !
king of Solomon...nah 3 days ago over an issue,never mind.and the king decreed a day of festiviies and rejoice as the whole kingdum
danced sang and celebrated with shared happyness
all the fatted calfs ran for cover as the whole kingdum lit up
an withen about a half hour a blanket of silence fell over the land
once agian all was fked up
still mumbling words of rejoice
Shoulda known ya sooner..heres home,goin fishing sat. about 75 ft from my front door is a big blue lake. i wonder if i can cast from the
You think rain water is as good as store bought or RO? Maybe rain water's even best?ro water only or store refills,no sink water for gods sake,time everything in w no stress and yule come clean.watering on a 1-10 scale ona moisture meter ea time on thhe 3,aleays let it get a bit dry before ea watering does away with overwatered plants,,,,.its a great strain but sensitive ,can take the nutes every watering minimal amnts.