!!!purple spectrum!!! Look


Active Member
ive got a 2 foot 20 watt 18000k t5 and i know its more toward the purple specrum and was wondering is this ok for veg?? or will it stunt the plants growth:eyesmoke:


Active Member
1800.... or 18000k?

you want 6500k for early veg, i use mixes of 6500, 5500, 3500, and 2700 cfl's depending on the age of the plant. 1800 is def not what you want for veg. 18000... im not sure


Active Member
its 18,000ks and its in the purple specrum im not using it as i don kno what it will do to my plants maybe burn them im not sure does any one know if the 18000k spectrum is ok for plants?


Well-Known Member
Give it a try bro cuz the company called NLite has a purple cfl and it's 25000K and it made for plants and they thrive under them.. I have 2 17w T8's that are 7800K and they have a purple tint to them and my clones do fine under them and you can get them at Walmart for $10!! they are called Lights of America Grow Light


Active Member
u have to keep in mind, color is just the light that reflects off of an object (the only spectrums of light a plant can absorb are all those but the color of the plant) so if ur plant is going to turn purple of any sorts, i wouldnt