Pure psychedelic sativa 12/12 from seed 150W HPS grow

:)))) it's very kind of you, but it's been over two hours already and i did barely 2/5 of trimming lol.. i find it pleasant only first hour, when there's only one plant that's going to be trimmed.. just scraped scisor hash and toked it, hmm i shouldn't have done it, my fps dropped down to a level that i see in frames now lol.. will be difficult to trim hehe
damn i feel you bro, sitting all alone in that room.. it's a pity we are oceans apart lol, would gladly join the trimming party :))
So Destroyer high report? ZAMAL smoke report has me craving like a crackhead to read

Am home now but still touch and go as to survival..Lotsa pain weakness fall
So Destroyer high report? ZAMAL smoke report has me craving like a crackhead to read

Am home now but still touch and go as to survival..Lotsa pain weakness fall

It takes more than that to get you. I'd say meteor or something, so do not give up. You scared quite a lot of people out here and there. Make sure you take care of yourself with love and care cause people want you back on track :)

Wanted to cure destroyer for a week, but for you my brother, I'll do it tonight :) I toked a tip of the iceberg already, but was too afraid to do a regular puff, tonight will try what destroyer does to my brains and body. Cause that little amount I toked was quite powerful. I did not get racy heart effect, but felt very much uplifted and giggly. But that was half of what I usually try and Dest was only after 1 day of curing.

So yesterday I harvested Zamaldelica. 124 days in total. 119days in flower. Took me 5 hours. But only because I was not in a hurry, I tried some dest-zamal mixed scissor hash and I enjoyed how nicely packed was Zamal colas, not too many leaves were sticking out of buds. Because I did 4.5 days of total flooded darkness, I got some nice extra resin. BUT in this harvest was something different, I do not know if it was because of strain or because of the flood, but calyxes were sort of sugary crusty. They felt more like dried buds rather than green growing ones :) Was thinking that maybe this was because of the fermentation caused by flood? Oh and the smell was like sugary+diesel+citric.

Anyway here's zamal final shots:
31.Day124_Sep09_Zamal1.jpg 31.Day124_Sep09_Zamal2.jpg
Hey guys, so here's some long waited smoke report of destroyer.

Yesterday I smoked some of better looking calyxes and I was very surprised about the lack of potency in it.. Probably I cut the plant down way too early or maybe even too late, since I saw so many resin glands getting amber.

Dest was only 4th day in the curing box. So no wonder that the taste wasn't that impressive. So far the smell is like fresh drying hay. The taste was not harsh, but no specific taste in it. It took quite some time to fully kick in. About 40-50 minutes. Two hours was quite intense, then another hour was real mild, but I felt it on me.

The effect was energetic, uplifting, giggly. But that was it. Was able to do my things and stay social without having any thought interruptions. Comparing to C99 it was weaker. But hey, few weeks ago I asked here for a strain with exact same characteristics so my wife(or even me, when not in a mood to dip my balls into some neverland chronicles) would be able to smoke it and there I have it :)

Dunno, maybe curing will add some more potency in it over some weeks, but I am really not disappointed, was really fun to grow and I learned A LOT :) I know where I made my mistakes and what I could do to double my performance, if not in weight, then at least in quality :)

BUT in less than two weeks zamal will hit the stage and I can tell you already guys, this one gonna be some kick-ass candy smoke! The smell alone while trimming made me trip haha. Calyxes at harvest day were like roasted sugar.. mmm getting watery mouth only by thinking about it :)

And btw, here's my weeBar :) Getting some assortment huh..

Hi there Flaming,
here you go some closeups of destroyer:




Now some interesting experience from yesterdays smoke. If you were reading closely, somewhere ~5 weeks ago I said I harvested some of zamal for my wifey(~4g dried). Wanted less potent weed so she could smoke it as well. Well guess what, she has been saying to me that she really loves zamaldelica, that it makes her real happy and passionate etc. So yesterday I decided to smoke some of it. Oh.. my.. god.. That really was helluva smoke. Since it has been curing already for 4 weeks the smell was real nice. I was doing that through water pipe so did not get much of a taste, but when I'll be doing my final zamal harvest smoke report I'll smoke it through glass pipe.
Now the interesting part. Effect kicked in within 10-15min. Lasted for ~1.5-2 hours. And was so god damn trippy. Whoa

Did not get overwhelmed by intense heart beats. Dunno whether this is a strain or harvest window related thing but it was very much uplifting, active, psychedelic, even arousing lol. Had to take a bedroom brake with my wife before dinner..
I don't know how the effect will differ from the one I harvested few days ago, but I'm pretty sure it will rock even more..

Happy smokes everyone!
hehe report is still on the way, this was some spoiler :)
both strains have their place in my assortment so i'd say the grow was successful

btw, i received sodium thiosulfate, so now the only ingredient to STS is silver nitrate that i need to get and i will start my new C99 grow
Lol, dude, simisimis, that's some real killer weed you made! I confess, the best I ever seen, that trichomes! And the effects, awesome, as just as I like them as well. I have no patience for mine to be ready. :P

I'm sorry to ask this, but I'm curious, how much you put in a cigarette? I think this one looking that bad should require just little bits?

Anyway, thank you for the reports I'm definitely looking forward these strains as well, just need to be able to afford them. :)
Lol, dude, simisimis, that's some real killer weed you made! I confess, the best I ever seen, that trichomes! And the effects, awesome, as just as I like them as well. I have no patience for mine to be ready. :P

I'm sorry to ask this, but I'm curious, how much you put in a cigarette? I think this one looking that bad should require just little bits?

Anyway, thank you for the reports I'm definitely looking forward these strains as well, just need to be able to afford them. :)

Haha man, thanks for compliments, but seriously.. best.. roflmao.. This is far.. far from best that people manage to get over here :)

I do not roll joints actually.. Don't really like mixing it with tobacco, even if I'm a tobacco smoker.. I add a pinch of grinded weed (1/10th 1/15th of a gram) into glass pipe or water bong, light it and make a deep deep breath until I see that all of it burns completely. My aim is that all of the smoke would go into my lungs(why waste it seeing smoke getting into the air). My lungs are quite big. My personal record on holding air without breathing is 4:05min. First time I dived 50 meters I was 13 yo.
So I make a big puff, hold it for few seconds and breathe it out. Then usually 5-10min and I'm baked continue on my business.. Sometimes when I have cough, I light a little of it and gently breathe until the live coal fades away. Then I relight it and repeat until only ashes are left.

I had this idea that this partial lighting was giving me milder effect, i.e. there's not enough temperature to turn TCHA into THC. This is how I was smoking destroyer. So I'll be having more of destroyer soon hitting bigger puff at once and will comment it whether the effect was any stronger.
If it's burning it's getting hot enough to decarb the THCA.
Goddamn you can hold your breath for a long time! 3 minutes is an absurdly long time.
Wow... now this is something unexpected. And I thought that I got a lot of destroyer...
I'm so fkin high I cannot believe how high.. When I started this reply I thought I still have time before freshly dried zamal will kick in.. I was wrong.. So I'll try to write what I came here for..

Ok guys.. this is sick. That sneaky sneaky zamal huh..



First of all. spending 5 hours trimming and Drying in a cool 66-70F 55% rh for a week did quite a good job for me. Today I trimmed dried buds from stems into 1liter box and weighted them.. As you can see I harvested even more than from destroyer. Those tiny calyxes, lots of them, packed so well... mmm.. And yes, those 64.6g are purely from weed. Plastic box and a bag was already deducted from total weight. I'm nearly dancing.

After I weighted them I thought it's worth trying a bit of it. I took half of what I take of C99 and ohgod I'm tripping my ass right now with keyboard buttons pressing my fingers not vice versa. Effect hit me like a train from the clear sky.
I'll be definitely growing this strain again. Such a sativa high.. Uplifting, fills with energy. Very nice smell I'd say. Even similar to C99 when dried. Taste was already not that bad and I only now started curing her. Heart is racy, feeling pressure in my chest :))
And did I say it's trippy? :D