well those wilting spots made me think that it's a lack of P. Cause my biogrow bottle has like NPK 3-0-8 if graded according to US standards. So you'd think that there's no P and problem solved, BUT the same product in EU is graded NPK:4-3-6. So there must be P in this bottle, just not directly available..
But I do not really think that I have P deficiency. Maybe it's a lockout from Ca excess? Since my water should have plenty of it and also I am supplementing with camg boost. Does any other micro or macro cause P lockout? I thought that one way to approach this problem is to do one or two waterings with my biobloom, which has NPK:1-2-2 US (2-7-4 EU).
The reason I think it was a lock out, cause a day before wilted leaf spots I increased grow nutes. And even with increased N in soil I got also N deficiency. Must be K excess, cause I get K from potassium silicate(NPK:0-0-9.5) and biogrow(3-0-

. And I'm pretty sure my liquid seaweed contains some of potassium as well.
About the grow, don't know, I do not see many changes in the garden. Not only it's not growing any bigger(at least I do not notice any grow), plants are also drinking way less water.. I watered Destroyer this morning(monday), last time I watered was tuesday evening. so 5 and a half days and it used to drink every 2.5-3 days. Zamal as well is being watered every 4-4.5 days instead of 2.5-3 days.
Destroyer almost does not have white stigmas. Almost all of them look brownish. Zamal is also looking brownish, still have some white ones(~40%), but those are very small, but zamal calyxes are also tiny, so looks like plant's keeping proportions.. I'll try to make some pics with the lighter or something to compare sizes.
Another thing is that I will be traveling abroad on 8th of august for almost two weeks and to leave my girls for that long to somebody would be too risky.. So I'm thinking that maybe it's a time to harvest it in a week or so..
Maybe I should pinch some samples and checkout the high of it.
I read that people dry samples in the oven or in microwave, what would you recommend? I could also pinch and wait for 4-5 days to dry and only then try it.
Ahhh as always wanted to drop a line or two and it turned out into philosophical essay with observations and inexperienced reasoning...
btw Kite, I finally understood what you mean "cartoons on the wall trippy"

))) I made some chocolate cookies, cannabutter from 120g of butter, 2g of C'99. I got like 16 cookies. so I ate two of them. And after 2 hours it kicked in, lol I was looking at a painting and was experiencing incredible trip inside of that painting frame.. How can you not love this strain...