Pure psychedelic sativa 12/12 from seed 150W HPS grow

The heat clouded them. Wait for swollen calyxes and receding pistols before checking trichs. IMO neither are close to ready.

Is THAT what clouds those suckers?! I harvested some before in the middle of summer that were all cloudy. I checked later to separate my buds into different piles "mostly clear" and "mostly cloudy" and they were all friggin clear! I always thought it was the sun making things cloudy, so I began taking a little sample and inspecting it inside.
actually growing outside you get more environmental factors that causes resin degradation go faster, like UV, so harvesting window is determined differently from indoors, but i did not think that heat indoors could induce that as well.. u grow and u learn... :)
thanks for the grow, i love sativa but because of what the strain looks like, id have to stay away from these sativas. the bud just isnt thick enough for 3 and a half months of lights.
thanks for the grow, i love sativa but because of what the strain looks like, id have to stay away from these sativas. the bud just isnt thick enough for 3 and a half months of lights.

to which strain are you reffering? cause Destroyer has pretty decent stems to support it's colas, Zamal stretched a lot, but when you LST that much as I do, you get lots of side shoots which in the end causes a lot tall and lanky stems all stretching for the light. Besides I have only 150W of CMH hid plus 2x25W cfl, so to judge the strain itself I believe you need to check grow journals of at least 400W hid garden with bigger space than 2.4' in height and with proper temps. Not mentioning the fact that I stunned with LST and overfed her few times... I'm a big newbie here, don't want to be taken as example :)

Besides on my last grow, C'99 was also extremely stretchy with super thin stems and when I compare to other people, they manage to grow something wayyy different comparing to what I get :)
guys, what kind of deficiency it is when on the leaves some wilted spots appear? here are the pics? Looks like P to me..
It's a Phosphorus deficiency. I usually see it as the plant starts showing buds. While these leaves will stay this way, if you use phosphorus-rich nutes, you'll not see any new browning of your leaves.
I top but never lst. im not that adventurous.i tried scrog. not for me. i try abd be as natural as possibke.

go kite tho, you are right. tecnicaly its doable. i just think the results would be shakey for such a new grower. im not new to growing, but never tried lst. im scared to try unless someone shows me hands on. Otherwise i stick to what i know.

small sativa hybrids are best for this style of grow. to be honest tho, i wouldnt even touch a 150. smallest i would consider is 250, and i would only contemplate such a thing if i had just got outta the can and all my shit was siezed. other than that, i would never step away feom my 1000 switchable dimms. cant beat em

Don't be such a big scaredy-cat! What's to be scared of? I have just grown my very first plant (only one as 2 others were males), it's a big ass sativa (as you say) that is tiny as I LST'd the shit out of her. I'm about to harvest and she has loads of nice buds. And she's only been under CFLs (6 x 30w and a T5). Just give it a go, it's easy.
well those wilting spots made me think that it's a lack of P. Cause my biogrow bottle has like NPK 3-0-8 if graded according to US standards. So you'd think that there's no P and problem solved, BUT the same product in EU is graded NPK:4-3-6. So there must be P in this bottle, just not directly available..
But I do not really think that I have P deficiency. Maybe it's a lockout from Ca excess? Since my water should have plenty of it and also I am supplementing with camg boost. Does any other micro or macro cause P lockout? I thought that one way to approach this problem is to do one or two waterings with my biobloom, which has NPK:1-2-2 US (2-7-4 EU).
The reason I think it was a lock out, cause a day before wilted leaf spots I increased grow nutes. And even with increased N in soil I got also N deficiency. Must be K excess, cause I get K from potassium silicate(NPK:0-0-9.5) and biogrow(3-0-8). And I'm pretty sure my liquid seaweed contains some of potassium as well.

About the grow, don't know, I do not see many changes in the garden. Not only it's not growing any bigger(at least I do not notice any grow), plants are also drinking way less water.. I watered Destroyer this morning(monday), last time I watered was tuesday evening. so 5 and a half days and it used to drink every 2.5-3 days. Zamal as well is being watered every 4-4.5 days instead of 2.5-3 days.

Destroyer almost does not have white stigmas. Almost all of them look brownish. Zamal is also looking brownish, still have some white ones(~40%), but those are very small, but zamal calyxes are also tiny, so looks like plant's keeping proportions.. I'll try to make some pics with the lighter or something to compare sizes.

Another thing is that I will be traveling abroad on 8th of august for almost two weeks and to leave my girls for that long to somebody would be too risky.. So I'm thinking that maybe it's a time to harvest it in a week or so..
Maybe I should pinch some samples and checkout the high of it.
I read that people dry samples in the oven or in microwave, what would you recommend? I could also pinch and wait for 4-5 days to dry and only then try it.

Ahhh as always wanted to drop a line or two and it turned out into philosophical essay with observations and inexperienced reasoning...

btw Kite, I finally understood what you mean "cartoons on the wall trippy" :)))) I made some chocolate cookies, cannabutter from 120g of butter, 2g of C'99. I got like 16 cookies. so I ate two of them. And after 2 hours it kicked in, lol I was looking at a painting and was experiencing incredible trip inside of that painting frame.. How can you not love this strain...
The oven seems to work better than the microwave for quick drying.
I wish a batch of cookies made with 2g of bud could do anything to me.
That's about how much was in the single cookie I ate last night. My wife had one and was asleep in half an hour.
well dunno, maybe I'm making it wrong, I grind it and throw it in the butter and heat it while stirring for 10min, then put that in the fridge for two hours and then melt it again, filter it and make cookies. But it always takes 1,5-2hours to kick in, from C99 I do not want to sleep, still keeps me awake and giggly, a bit trippy, but few days ago after 2+ hours I got some real nice visuals, I was WOW'ing for few hours lol.. but yeah, for a stoner like me, I really do not need more than 2g per 120g of butter.. and half of batch I eat in a month or so lol.. half goes to even less experienced friends haha..

I just took two samples, Destroyer is being cooked in an oven at the smallest level with a gap for the heat to go out, hopefully will be ready within an hour. I placed a sample of zamal onto ballast so I could try it tomorrow.. Dest has very nice calyxes, zamal same but 3 times smaller..

But yeah, they do not look like they're ready for chopping, very little resin on them comparing to my previous grows.. This morning I watered Destroyer with biobloom (1-2-2) and in the evening I noticed some increase in resin production, a sec ago before the lights go off I watered zamal as well, giving 2ml of biobloom(1-2-2) and 1.5ml of biogrow(3-0-8). Total ppm with potassium silicate and camg and seaweed was like 1000ppm(hana scale).
It's funny, my tap water has like 280-300ppm, but if I dip my tester into liquid seaweed - it has 330ppm.. I wonder how much of actual thing is in that bottle, but it seems like not that much... Or is it just another snake oil company product.. GK Organics btw..
Hey guys. Here's another photo update.
Well looks like something promoted new stigmas growth. Not sure whether that was room temp which dropped to 79-84F or the 1-2-2 food. well probably I will see that tomorrow cause upcoming 2-3 days are planning to be the hottest we had so far. like 91F outside, so under the lamp which is under the roof might get crazy...
here's some pics. Tried to take some pics with BIC lighter net to them, but was in a hurry so does not look that good. Also got some closeup of Dest calyxes.
Yesterday I tried Zamal sample, well... was very uplifting absolutely clear headed buzz, quite similar to C99 but missing the trippyness, but I took only one puff, was afraid to get too high, and the effect went away after about an hour or two. But yeagh.. So either those nugs are far from being ready or I had to toke at least couple of puffs.
Anyway, here are some pics.

yeah, looks like they started doing some packing, hopefully will not stop for another week. they are 86days from seed, 81 day 12/12. The only thing I am afraid, in 8 days I will be flying away for 12days.. and I still do not have anybody to look after my cats, but I doubt that that somebody would be capable of feeding them.. and I am thinking whether it's better to risk or cut down earlier. Also I want to let them grow longer, but if I would cut them before leaving, they would be drying for 12 days... it takes 7 days usually to dry here.. what would be consequences of leaving them dry for 12 days?
So they showed preflowers around what 8 or 9 weeks ago? So three weeks from now would still be ok to chop them I'd think. Sativas have long harvest windows. I know it's not ideal but could you even get someone to just water them? Far from ideal but better than chopping early.
hmm... destroyer showed her first stigmas on 19th day into flower, so almost 9 weeks ago(62days).

can't find in history about Zamal, but I think it was 2 weeks later... well if only watering without nutes I believe that will not be a problem... mixing for bottles and reading the plants is what I'm afraid of.. but if I will stop feeding them on 8th of august, I will find them yellow without leaves when I'll gdet back... but I guess that is better than cutting earlier.. hm.. still need to overthink this. If I would know if plants are planning to continue on building buds, or will start degrading, would be easier to come up with solution..