Purchased soil and Compost, feedback welcome!


New Member
Hello fellow growers!

I am currently trying to make my first ever grow work, I have bought pots ( 2.6 Gals )
I am currently about 1.5 weeks ( Since I planted the seeds, pre -germinated )
They are now sitting in small plastic containers, just to let them sprout and grow their first few leafs.

I used roughly 50/50 ( might've used about 10 - 15 % more Compost ) Looks like this https://www.google.com.mt/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwixm6y3htXNAhWLNxQKHa4gDAMQjRwIBw&url=http://www.derekmalta.com/en/products/webshop/192/mixed-compost-80ltr-by-terflor.htm&psig=AFQjCNHXpwiYzMcIQfOhXewvsP7hKTC0Mg&ust=1467558156627979

( cant find any info about the compost that I bought )

And the soil I bought is a mixture of (50% local rich fertilesoil, 25% dried cow manure and 25% sphagnum peat)

These pots has been waterd roughly 2 - 3 times a week, ( Depending on how light the pot has been ) I live in a very warm place, water evaporates quickly.

My question being, how do I best utilize what I have? is a 50/50 ratio good for a first couple of weeks seedlings?

I'm asking, because the first 3 days, by pretties sprouted and grew, they even got their first 2 set of leafs.
2 days later they started showing signs of their 4th set of leaves, but since then they have just stopped. ( almost like stunted growth ) Unless I'm mistaking and they're just growing roots, I don't know.

Any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated!
