puppet scorecard

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Well-Known Member
Well you're still voting Obama right ?
my state is pretty solid blue, so my vote is de facto obama. i was thinking of voting for gary johnson, but i may just put in for obama to piss off some of the cranky soreheads in the politics section :razz:


Well-Known Member
I did philipchristian or something like that.
that was classic work. you even copied my avatar. lol. it was phiilipchristian. rolli even yelled at me cause he said upittybitch was me too. then he apologized cause he realized it was you and that he was comparing the IP to the phiilipchristian account. i take my hat off to you on that one. epic puppet account!


Well-Known Member
Meta does mess with people from time to time but he's a serious contributor when need be. I don't understand what you're trying to achieve... Why point people out as trolls whilst... um... trolling? ^^;


Well-Known Member
Metasynth your a crybaby bitch shut the fuck up already and get a life, you have liek 832572985 million posts cuz all you do is sit on here and pretend you have real friends, but your a fucking undercover troll. SHUT THE FUCK UP PLEASE AND THANK YOU
Why u mad ?
Did somebody piss in your Cheerios again.?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Metasynth your a crybaby bitch shut the fuck up already and get a life, you have liek 832572985 million posts cuz all you do is sit on here and pretend you have real friends, but your a fucking undercover troll. SHUT THE FUCK UP PLEASE AND THANK YOU
Yet another puppet alert.


Well-Known Member
Meta does mess with people from time to time but he's a serious contributor when need be. I don't understand what you're trying to achieve... Why point people out as trolls whilst... um... trolling? ^^;
Where did my name come into play? Now I'M cuntfused.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by padawanismyhoe

Metasynth your a crybaby bitch shut the fuck up already and get a life, you have liek 832572985 million posts cuz all you do is sit on here and pretend you have real friends, but your a fucking undercover troll. SHUT THE FUCK UP PLEASE AND THANK YOU
Gotta be Kaendar, he's the only person I've trolled since me and Phil argued till 7 in the morning...and I think Phil and I are cool with each other now...

Unless it's Urca, I have a nasty habit of switching back and forth between friend and foe with that girl...If she created a puppet account to troll me, I would understand that...lol

P.S.-Whoever Padawanismyho really is(Kaendar), when did I become an "undercover" troll? I merely target people who basically troll themselves with their posts/started threads.


Well-Known Member
I was a strong believer that that padawan hoe guy was kaendar until I noticed he didn't bring up my name. I was one of his first enemies so I figured he'd give me shit. But nope, pad hoe didn't say anything to me.. well as far as I can tell. If you were kaendar, I'm hurt I truly am :lol:.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I was a strong believer that that padawan hoe guy was kaendar until I noticed he didn't bring up my name. I was one of his first enemies so I figured he'd give me shit. But nope, pad hoe didn't say anything to me.. well as far as I can tell. If you were kaendar, I'm hurt I truly am :lol:.
I replied to one his posts (# 413) and his is gone now - hopefully they killed the account as well.
What an angry and spiteful attitude.
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