Pumped For College!


Well-Known Member

I just sat in on my first summer class getting started on my Masters Degree. I can honestly say that college was, and is again, the best times of my life. Some of the most difficult at times, but definitely the best.


Well-Known Member
I know, Im just starting for the first time and really nervous, because ive known myself to be very lazy if I am not interested in what I am learning... and I dont want to waste money. And im taking 14 units, which is full time, but also still have to get a job, which i havent been able to find yet. thank god for financial aid but still i cant just rely on that


Well-Known Member
The booze was to take the blame for the orgies. Birthcontrol and make sure they keep it wrapped! enjoy


Well-Known Member
Good luck, I remember those 'lean' days fondly, to be honest I'd rather have nothing and no money than this mortgage, truck load of student debt from round 1, and 'life' expenses ... and still no money. I kind of miss the cracker jack box apartment my wife and I had when we were dating. Remember that you paid for your seat in the class, skipping out or not doing your homework is like paying to go to the movies, getting popcorn and then dumping it on the floor and leaving the theater; it doesn't make any sense.

There will be a LOT you're not interested in, especially once you find a major the stuff not in your major feels pointless. I can honestly say that even my most hated undergrad classes provided at least some degree of benefit to me later in life.

The point of college is to do several things, 1) learn, 2) have fun 3) grow up. The third one just kind of happens whether you like it or not, if you're lucky. The first one you have to make a goal of. The second, try not to let it get in the way of 1 and 3. :)

You're lucky, you can have an orgy these days, between the condom, morning after pill, and birth control pill you literally can get away with it. So party on. In my day an orgy was $30 in condoms. :P


Well-Known Member
i want to learn, but i dont even know what i want to learn. and to get a job after college I need at least a masters to get a decent job, im going to be in debt, and my mom keeps ragging on me on how i am going to afford college once I transfer to a university. i went from wanting to go to a private college that was 45,000 a year to wanting to go to a uc that was 25,000 a year, but she kept telling me ill never afford it, so now im going to transfer to a csu... :(


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter where you start your diploma says where you finished. Start at a cc the transfer to a university it will save you alot of cash and your diploma won't say shit about cc.


Well-Known Member
i am starting at a cc, but my mom keeps telling me that transferring to the school where i finish my degree is stupid because of the cost. she's like, "where are you getting the money for this? no matter where you go, its still expensive, whether its 17,000 or 25,000 or 45,000, you'll never be able to afford it"


Well-Known Member
Student loans. Low interest and they give you awhile before you have to pay them back. Just make sure your getting a degree that you like and you can make $ from.


Well-Known Member
thats the thing, I dont even know what I want to do. Thank god I have two years and financial aid to pay for those two years so I cant figure stuff out


Active Member
thats the thing, I dont even know what I want to do. Thank god I have two years and financial aid to pay for those two years so I cant figure stuff out
I wouldn't worry too much about not knowing. Take classes that interest you and see if anything jumps out as what you want to do or don't want to do.

Hell I was going into computer engineering before realizing I really wanted to go into journalism.


Well-Known Member
yeah this whole anthropology thing is kinda interesting, hope i can get into the class


Well-Known Member
i am starting at a cc, but my mom keeps telling me that transferring to the school where i finish my degree is stupid because of the cost. she's like, "where are you getting the money for this? no matter where you go, its still expensive, whether its 17,000 or 25,000 or 45,000, you'll never be able to afford it"
she's probably right. if you have a 25000 loan, which would only cover one year at a private institution, you end up paying back 40000 in the end. think about it, low rate means 4.5%, 4%, it's not 1% or 0%, the interest on 25000 at 4.5% is over 1000 a year. so each month you're looking at $100 in interest. If you pay your loan back at the minimum, let's say it's $150, only $50 is going toward the 25000 you owe, the other $100 is just interest. Think about how slow 25000 goes down at $50 per month. Loans are a big mess. College education is not worth what people think it is but it's better to have the piece of paper. the other option is to pretend, who is checking? I know a lot of people who lie. Then agian, I have the paper and I still choose not to work because the ratrace sucks. it's better than living at home of course...

well, your parents and guidance counslers should be laying this crap out for you. i have a negative opinion on the whole situation. ive been through it, i thnk i know. people on the outside can say, i saw his person do this or that but they don't know what kind of bills that person is paying. half the time people are 40 years old and still trying to pay loans back. i have friends who went to 40k a year schools and have 30k in credit card debt, and never had a job and they are 30, you think they are ever getting out of debt? i don't think so.


Well-Known Member
ugh so all the classes were full, so i had to take whatever was open. art history, french, geography, and political science


Well-Known Member
lol i hope so. ive already taken geography and french in high school, but whatever.


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Freshman year I learned how to fornicate.

Sophomore year I learned how to drink.

Junior year I learned how to smoke weed.

Senior year I learned time management. Eventually I found a balance between studying, fornicating, drinking, and weed smoking.

Good luck.