PugButt's First Grow - Advice Needed


Well-Known Member
yes cut those damn things off! it could be trimmed a little. looks like a reaction to nutes, nothing big. i wouldnt add big bloom in with the time released stuff but thats just my opinion, if you have it try, just go small. micro even. you can definatley take clones.


Active Member
What about the drooping of the tips of the leafs? Anything to fix? I hadnt watered it in a couple of days when that pic was taken. And it was dry. So could that have anything to do with it?

How much should/can I cut off? I imagine only cutting of the leafs and leaving the stem right?

I really appreciate all y'alls help with this.


Well-Known Member
just needed water it think... the droop look like drought wilt.

DON'T cut the leaves, or anything else off... the fan leaves are the solar panels that collect the energy needed for bud production. they also store sugars and foods that the plant can use later. if they don't come off with the slightest tug, leave them, they are still being used.



Well-Known Member
just needed water it think... the droop look like drought wilt.

DON'T cut the leaves, or anything else off... the fan leaves are the solar panels that collect the energy needed for bud production. they also store sugars and foods that the plant can use later. if they don't come off with the slightest tug, leave them, they are still being used.

you are absolutley right, no argument there. however i do manicure during the first half of veg up 50% leaves and some lower branches. it promotes new growth and nodes imo. give them some super thrive and big bloom and in a couple weeks they're twic as big. i only do this 3 times, then i leace them alone untill done. peace


Well-Known Member
you are absolutley right, no argument there. however i do manicure during the first half of veg up 50% leaves and some lower branches. it promotes new growth and nodes imo. give them some super thrive and big bloom and in a couple weeks they're twic as big. i only do this 3 times, then i leace them alone untill done. peace
well, that's different; i deff do a little pruning in veg, well before flower time. as you said, it creates more laterals, and increases overall yeild. my cutoff is one week prior to 12/12; no more cuts after that time.


Well-Known Member
Cool, I have the Repti Glo 8.0. The one that puts out the most UVB rays out of the Repti Glo series

Ugh, I guess I might invest in other lights. Would it still flower with the setup I have now? With the 6500k and 5500ks?
sure will.
More light=more bud though


Active Member
Its almost 2 weeks into flowering. And it still only has maybe 4 sex organs, putting out small white hairs.. Ive seen pics of other plants 2 weeks in, and they have huge pistils and are covered in them.. What could be causing this? During its dark cycle, it has a small light leak from under the door, but nothing more than the moon would produce.

I actually added more bat guano to the mix. I just read that too much N will cause delayed flowering. Should I flush the soil to get it out?
Any help?


Active Member
After 4 weeks into flowering, this is what I have..
:neutral: How frusturating!

About a week ago, I started putting Fox Farms Big Bloom in there @ 4 table spoons per gallon of water. And it seems to be helping it. Maybe it was so slow because of a nute issue.. When I started flowering it, it was a little over a foot, now its almost 3 and I suspect another month of flowering! ITS GOING TO BE GIANT!

Any tips?



100% Authentic A$$Hole
:joint: Hmmmm yeah there is definatly a problem...perhaps lighting or is the actual light cycle 12/12 being interupted?


Active Member
Its in a dark room with the window covered in foil, and blankets over it. The light cycle isnt being inturupted. There is a tiny light crack from under the door. But its tiny. And its not always there..

I have another plant. Which is about a month 1/2 old.. And look at it. Its been on flowering for, I dont know how long. I planted it when I started flowering the big one. And its been on the 12/12 cycle all its life. I had one other plant, but it turned out to be a male..

The month 1/2 plant seems to be doing ok..

Another problem with the big plant, is that during flowering, I added a bunch of nitrogen. And I read that excess nitrogen can cause slow flowering. So maybe thats why..

You think my smaller plant is on the right track?

