PugButt's First Grow - Advice Needed


Active Member
Hello all! Ive been snooping around this site for a while, and Ive decided to post my 1st attempt at a grow. I wont post the seedling pictures just to save space (unless someone wants to see them)

The history of this plant
I got the seed for this plant from a bag of pretty decent bag weed. I planted it about a month and a couple weeks ago and left it outside to do its thing. Then I had people over doing yard work and I brought it inside, and decided to keep it inside. Its doing pretty OK, but I have some questions for you knowledgeable people..

My set up
I have it under 5 CFLs, One 6500k, Two 5500ks, and Two 3500ks..
Soil - Its in Miracle Grow Slow Release Soil (I know, but this is all I could find, and it seems to be doing ok)
Its been inside for a week or 2, and it has exploded and is getting big fast. It also has a issue or 2 I would like to address..

First Issue (PIC DSCN 2201) - the undergrowth is growing in all funky. Not all of it, but some of the leafs coming in are like a upside down canoe, possibly from overwatering? Im not sure. I would hate for it to be a nutrient thing because I just transplanted it into a bigger bucket with fresh potting soil, and I dont want to add nutes and end up shocking my plant and killing it. Any suggestions?
Second Issue - No matter what, I have purple stems, I dont know if this is a cause for concern or not. It doesnt seem to be doing anything bad. The leafs are all healthy looking and dark green.
Something odd about my plant (PICS DSCN 2198 & 2197)- There are 2 leafs on the plant that look totally opposite of eachother. One leaf looks very sativa, while the other on the other side of the plant looks more indica. Whats the deal with that?

I have one more question. In picture DCSN 2189, that is some other growth. I have not started the flowering cycle yet, but these have showed up. They are not sex organs are they? Is it too early to tell?

Thank you all for all your help



Well-Known Member
too early, but the last pic looks to have one male preflower. still to soon to tell for sure, but they are preflowering.


Well-Known Member
1. Could just be shock since you stated you just transplanted.
2. Purple stems can be genetic.
3. Do you ph test?
4. Preflowers (for more info look in FAQ under sexing)


Active Member
I did a ph test, and the soil came out to be around 5.. That would be a bummer if it turned out to be a male, but oh well, what can you do? Haha

This Forum is awesome..


Well-Known Member
What are preflowers?

Preflowers, as opposed to full blown flowers, generally appear after the fourth week of vegetative growth from seed. Check carefully above the fourth node. Please note that preflowers are very small and and almost impossible to differentiate without magnification. A photographer's 10x loupe is handy indeed when examining preflowers.

As the images below demonstrate, the female preflower is pear shaped and produces a pair of pistils. Frequently, the female preflowers do not show pistils until well after the preflowers have emerged. Thus, don't yank a plant because it has no pistils. Pistillate preflowers are located at the node between the stipule and emerging branch.

Also, some female preflowers never produce pistils. A female preflower without pistils is difficult to distinguish from a male preflower. Thus, hermaphodite issues should not be resolved by the appearance of preflowers, without pistils, on a plant otherwise believed to be a female.

Female (pistillate)

Image courtesy of MrIto

Female (pistillate)

Image courtesy of Uncle Ben

The male preflower may be described as a "ball on a stick." However, its most recognizable feature is its absence of pistils. Sometimes, a male plant will develop mature staminate flowers after prolonged periods of vegetative growth. These appear in clusters around the nodes.

The following image shows a male plant in early flowering. Staminate flowers are located at the node between the stipule and emerging branch.

Male (staminate)
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]

Image courtesy of PLAYn

Image courtesy of PsycoXul


Well-Known Member
no! vinegar LOWERS ph, and not effectively either, as it is not buffered, and fluxuates within 24 hours of application.

go to walmart, and get some ph up and ph down from the fish isle in the pet department.

that's all you'll need to adjust ph.


Active Member
that curling, could it be caused by too much nitrogen? I added some Mexican bat guano to the mix, then it started to do that. If this is the case, what do I do? Flush the soil? Does that cause other problems?


Well-Known Member
i just know i'm going to get flamed for this, but i've proven this to be effective several times. involves "nutes for dummies"

water well once (20% runoff) and let dry for two days. soil will still be most, i dont care; after two days, feed with miracle gro all purpose 24-8-16, and it will clear up (visible in new growth) with in a couple of days. expect your leaves to stay like that; they probably will be curled up until they die, but new growth should be nice and green and healthy.


Active Member
Is there a chance of over fertalizing it? The soil I have has these little balls that are filled with nutes. (I imagine, they are crunchy and when you pop them, wet stuff comes out. Some kind of time release capsule or something)

I am just imagining me doing what you said, then those little balls popping open and causing all hell


Well-Known Member
the balls won't pop, and are probably time release caps. are you using mg soil?

the all purpose is a high nitrogen fert. if you use it at 1/4 strenght, it will instantly make the plant start growing new foliage; you may have a slight burn, but as i said, mg is nutes for dummies, you can't go wrong


Uses the Rollitup profile
The problem is that your plant is accustomed to sunlight, and now she's not getting anything near it. Those lower leaves are drooping because of lack of light, and if you add a lot of water, or nutrients, you will just make things worse.

Don't add nutes, they've got plenty, and let the soil dry out between waterings, and add some more light.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i'm so high.....

first off Miracle Grow Time Release has produces amazing results for me. it is loaded with nitrogen. looking at the size of your plants you shouldn't have to worry about feeding until now or further.
- bong rip -
the curled down leaves; i would say over watering. i seen similar in my garden.
- bong rip -
the male "preflower", sorry all, looks like a spur at a direct angle. if not where is the spur?
i'm so high. hope some of this helps.


Well-Known Member
Is there a chance of over fertalizing it? The soil I have has these little balls that are filled with nutes. (I imagine, they are crunchy and when you pop them, wet stuff comes out. Some kind of time release capsule or something)

I am just imagining me doing what you said, then those little balls popping open and causing all hell

i could go somewhere with this. i'm so immature.:hump::hump:

those "crunchy balls" slowly dissolve, some faster than others. they hold the nutes.


Well-Known Member
try this. don't do anything for 48 hours. nothing just tell her she is beautiful and will grow to be big and strong. keep her on 18/6 lighting and love her again. she will thank you. in 48 hours check the soil. if it is dry below 1 1/2" down add a 1/4 cup of water. give her love and another 48.

no one mentioned the leaves. if the first 2 pics of your hand under the 2 leaves are on the same exact plant than that is weird. cool, but weird.


Active Member
I noticed those same "balls" in my soil and couldn't figure out what they were so its funny i stumbled in on this convo. Dose that mean i dont have to add nutes later on in life? I have it mixed perlite in the soil as well.


Well-Known Member
no, that is not what that means; most controlled release capsules deplete more than 80% of thier nutes in three weeks. feed at three nodes, as you would normally. just start light, and work you way up.


Active Member
I noticed those same "balls" in my soil and couldn't figure out what they were so its funny i stumbled in on this convo. Dose that mean i dont have to add nutes later on in life? I have it mixed perlite in the soil as well. They are almost 2 weeks old with about half with there 2nd set of nodes and some just starting to get their 2nd, dose this sound like they are doing alright? They are under 2 large cfls and one bulb that i found, it is clear, 100 watt, 1750 lumens (is this a good bulb?) and also a 24 inch floro grow light, 18-6 for lighting? I plan on adding more cfls this weekend. Can i get some advice from someone? Much Appreciated.